Jökull - 01.12.1967, Page 30
Fig. 1: A map of Haga-
fellsjökull Evstri and
Hagavatn showing the
glacier margin at differ-
ent times. The longitu-
dinal section AB is drawn
in vertical scafe on Fig. 5.
Kort af Hagafellsjökli
eystri og Hagavatni, par
sem sýnd er lega jökul-
jaðarins á ýmsum timum.
Þverskurður AB er dreg-
inn á 5. mynd.
lava front to the east of Mosaskardsíjall, but
the third one is in the Stóra Grjótá strearn
channel at the NW corner of Sandfell. The
tephra layer H.t is found in all those places
under tlie lava and the oldest one of the three
black tephra layers too. The age of the lava is
therefore less than ~ 4030 years, but more
than ~ 2820 years. When the loess accumula-
tion between H4 and the iava was used to
estimate more exactly its age, it proved to be
about 3600 years old. If possible errors are
taken into consideration, the age of the lava
and thus also of the shield volcano Lambahraun
is 3600 ± 200 years, provided it was built up in
a single eruption.
Hagafellsjökull Eystri
Hagafellsjökull Eystri creeps down the broad
valley plain between Hagafell and BrekknafjöII
Range, but it also forms some glacier lobes
stretching towards SE through the northernmost
Fig. 2: The glacier lobes creeping down in the
Jarlhettur Valley. View toward NE from an un-
named peak facing Stóra Jarllietta. July 1965.
Skriðjökultungurnar nyrzt i Jarlhettudal. Horft
til NA af nafnlausum tindi vestan dalsins gegnt
Stóru-Jarlhettu. Júlí 1965.
264 JÖKULL 17. ÁR