
Jökull - 01.12.1967, Side 52

Jökull - 01.12.1967, Side 52
Fig. 4. The main features of the history of lake Stórisjór as interpreted from the sediments of the drillhole. MyncL 4. Yfirlit yfir sögu Stórasjóar byggt á rannsóknum sýnanna úr borholunni. water has undoubtedly been cold, since most of the species are characteristic for cold water.” Fig. 4 presents a general review of the results of the investigations and their interpretation. Besides, the major geological events which have occurred in the neighbourhood are mentioned. The second column of the table shows pumice content in per cent. Here that part of the samples having grain size > 0.85 mm is regard- ed as pumice. All vesicular and scoriaceous grains are also counted as pumice. As grain sizes smaller than 0.85 mm are reached the grains have become so small that most of them have broken down into glass dust. In the fifth column of the table it is indicated with + and -t- whether the samples contain diatoms or not. + rneans that diatoms were found, (+) that they were found, but in small quantities, and -t- that they were not founcl. Other columns in the table are self-explanatory. In finiglacial time, a little less than 10,000 years ago, the topography of the Tungnaá area from the Tungnaárfjöll mountains to lake Thórisvatn and the Kaldakvísl river was con- siderably different l'rom the present one. To be sure the same móberg ridges and mountains as 286 JÖKULL 17. ÁR
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