
Jökull - 01.12.1967, Síða 56

Jökull - 01.12.1967, Síða 56
Thoroddsen does not in his thorough destrip- tion mention any ice bergs on the lake so the water can be supposed to have been shallow at the glacier margin. The foremost terminal moraine most likely dates from this time. The upper shoreline extends up to this moraine and therefore cannot be younger. There are no sources of information avail- able as to the conditions at the north-eastern end of the lake from the time of Thoroddsen’s travelling there up to the time of the surveying by Geodetic Institute in 1937. The map and the aerial photo frorn wliich it is complied are so inaccurate as regards the glacier margin that it is impossible to determine its exact location at that time, but somewhere between the outer- most and the middle terminal moraines is a probable location. The map seems to represent the north-eastern shore of the lake with ap- preciable exactness as indicated by various easily recognizable characteristics. The position of the shoreline in 1937 is illustratecl in Fig. 7B. In the year 1946 Langisjór was aerially photo- graphed in connection with mapping l)y the U.S. Army Map Service. The photographs and the map show that the shore had by tlien extended out 50 to 500 m and a small lake had been formed in a nook against Tungnaár- fjöll. By then the glacier margin was lying at the uppermost moraine, cf. Figs. 6A and 7C. The next sources of information as to the conditions at the north-eastern end of Langi- sjór are aerial photographs taken in 1959 ancl maps produced after them. Aerial photographs from the year 1960 are also available. In 1960 the glacier margin had become thin ancl stagn- nant ice had begun to develop behind tlie uppermost terminal moraine. A greater part of the glacier water still clrained into Langisjór, but frorn the pass that had opened between the glacier and Fögrufjöll a branch had begun Fig. 6. Two areal photographs showing the northeastern part of iake Langisjór. A is taken in the year 1946 and B in 1960. Mynd 6. Tvœr flugljósmyndir, sern sýna norðausturhluta Langasjóar. A er tekin árið 1946 og B árið 1960. 290 JÖKULL 17. ÁR
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