
Jökull - 01.12.1967, Síða 61

Jökull - 01.12.1967, Síða 61
cross-country route. In the year 1575 the sea- sonal migration of fishermen from northern Iceland to the Suclursveit district was aban- donned. There are other indications of com- munication between the Öræfi district ancl the Sudursveit district on one hand and the north- ern part of the country on the other in pre- vious centuries, which illustrates that the Vatna- jökull ice cap was much smaller before and in the beginning of the cold climatic period than at present. In that connection it suffices to mention accounts in the book “Vatnajökull” by f. Eythórsson (Eythórsson 1960). We have recurrently mentioned the cold climatic period and some of its effects. This period also occurs simultaneously with the so- called “times of misery” of the nation, the printe causes of which are thought to have been foreign oppression and trade monopoly. To us it seems that the climatic deterioration should be given much more account as a reason for the times of misery of the nation than hitherto lias been done. The success of correlating years of famine with temperature as l’. Bergthórsson has done really proves that the Icelanders are so-cal!ed stress population, a population yield- ing to climatic changes so clearly that the condition of the nation can be used as a thermo- meter. A CKNO WLEDGEMENT The anihors wish to thank Mr. Páll Ingólfs- son, Ii.A.,for translating the paper into English. REFERENCES Arnason, G. 1925: Er Stórisjór fundinn? Tím- inn, 9. Bergthórsson, P. 1957: Kuldaskeid urn 1300? Vedrid, 12, 2: 55-58. Bókaútgáfa Menningarsjóds og Thjódvinafélags- ins, 1966: Njála. Reykjavík. Eylhórsson, J. 1952: Landid undir Vatnajökli. Jökull, 2: 1—3. — 1952: Thættir úr sögu Breidár. Jökull, 2: 17-20. — 1960: Vatnajökull. Almenna bókafélagid, Reykjavík. Fontenay, Fr. le Sage de. 1925: Hvar er Stóri- sjór? Tíminn, 9. Gestsson, G. 1957: Tóttir í Snjóöldufjallgardi. Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags 1955— 1956: 66-86. — 1959: Tóttir í Snjóöldufjallgardi. In: J. Briem, Utilegumenn og audar tóttir. Bóka- útgáfa Menningarsjóds, Reykjavík, 109— 129. Jónsson, B. and Thomsen, G. 1878: (Fréttir). ísafold, 5: 96. Kjartansson, G. 1957: Langisjór og nágrenni. Náttúrufrædingurinn, 27, 4: 145—173. Lamb, H. H. 1966: The Changing Climate. Methuen & Co. Ltd., London. Mathews, W. H. 1967: Profiles of late pleisto- cene glaciers in New Zealand. N. Z. Geol. and Geophys. 10: 146—163. Nordal, S., and Thórdarson, Th. 1931: Ferd ad fjallabaki. Gráskinna III: 44—58. Nörlund, N. E. 1944: Islands Kortlægning. Geo- dætisk Instituts Publikationer VII. Ejnar Munksgaard, Köbenhavn. Ólafsson, E., and Pálsson, B. 1943: Eerdabók. H. Sigurdsson and H. Hálfdanarson, Reykjavík. Pálsson, Ó. 1884: Könnud fjöll sumarid 1884. Sudri, 2: 127. Pálssoti, S. 1945: Ferdabók. Snælandsútgáfan, Reykjavík. Sveinsson, E. Ó. 1940: Svar vid adfinnslum. Ár- bók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags 1940: 53— 87. Thorarinsson, S. and Ahlmann, H. W. 1943: Vatnajökull, Scientific Results of the Swed- ish-Icelandic Investigations 1936—37—38, Chapters III, IV and IX. Reprinted from Geografiska Annaler 1937—1940, 1943. Thorarinsson, S. 1956: The Thousand Years Struggle Against Ice and Fire. Bókaútgáfa Menningarsjóds, Reykjavík. — 1956: On the variations of Svínafellsjökull, Skaftafellsjökull and Kvíárjökull in Öræfi. Jökull, 6: 1-15. Thoroddsen, Th. 1895: Fercl um Austur-Skafta- fellssýslu og Múlasýslur sumarid 1894. And- vari, 20: 1-84. — 1959: Ferdabók. Snæbjörn Jónsson & Co. li.f., Reykjavík. Tómasson, J. 1967: Mineralogical ancl petro- graphical Characteristics of Icelandic tephra. In: The Eruption of Hekla 1947— 1948 I: 171—183. Vísindafélag íslendinga, Reykjavík. JÖKULL 17. ÁR 295
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