
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1967, Qupperneq 67

Jökull - 01.12.1967, Qupperneq 67
Fig. 1. The geological section of the well in Vestmann Islands (ol: olvine, py: pyroxene, py-hr: pyroxene with hourglass structure). Mynd 1. Jarðlagasnið af holunni i Vest- mannaeyjum. Depth Dýpi m Explanation of the geological column Skýringar viO jarðtagasniðið MofiC phenocrysts Dökkir feno kristollar An content of plagioclose Depth Dýpi Vestraísi. -formation Vestm.eyja 'Z-'T.rV.r Basaltic sond layers interbedded with tuff or basalt Fjögur sand/ög aðskiiin með tuffi eða basa/ti - 100 Basaltic tuff Túff Tillite Jökuiberg Bosaltic tuff Túff ol 60-70 100 -j -myndun ol 70 - 200- Tillite Jökuiberg - 200- - 300- Sediment - ary ++± + - Diobase sili tnnskot Sondstone Sondsteinn Sandstone Sandsteinn py + ol 50-64 - 300- formation —-■- Set- —-1T1T- Sandstone Sandsteinn -400- myndun —-_TTT - 400- -ET-£r£? Sediment varying in groin size and content of tuffaceous moleriol mostly marine sediments - 500 — Misgróft og mistúffrikt set, mest sjávarset :500: -600- Tillite Jökutberg + + + + k+ + + + + + + + Diabase sill tnnskot Tillite Jökuiberg py + ol 50-64 py-hr 55 -700- Sandstone Sandsteinn Basolt Basait Sandstone Sandsteinn Volcanic breccía Móberg py-hr 64 - 800- -zj-zs-jr Fine grained sediment Fint set -800- 64 - 900- Basolt formation 'l'i' III Tholeiitic basalt with partings Þóleitiskf boso/f með miHHögum py-hr 64 -900- -1000-; myndun |l|l| py-hr 64 1000-j lli Basalt layers without partings Basaittög án millilaga py ol py rll00 ■ II 70 -1100- 60 11111 70 III py-hr py -1200- | l 1 I 1 I 1 py 70 -1300- 70-75 11111 Basalt layers with portings Basatt/ög með millilögum Fine grained sediment Fint set py py 60-70 60-64 -1400- 3-Z-I-I -1400- 11111 Basalt layers with partings Basatt/ög með miililögum py 64 tnr ol + py 60-70 -1500- tTt{t py 64 -1500- 111 py + ol 50-64 1565-^ '11111 —py— ao HYDROLOGY Drilling of deep wells in Iceland (deeper than 100—200 m) like that in the Vestmann Islands is carried out witli the use of a rotary drill. Water is pumped through the drillpipes bringing up chippings outside the drillpipes. If a water-yielding-layer is struck, the water pumped down is lost in proportion to the abi- lity of the layer to yield water again. A con- siderable loss of water is reported to have ocurred at a depth of approx. 820 m (0.2 1/s) i.e. on the boundary between the basalt forma- tion and the marine sediments. The loss of water increased to a depth of 900 m, when it was 0.5 1/s. Three pumping tests have been performed. The first was carried out in the period April 28 to May 4, 1964 after the well had reached a depth of 900 m. After the drilling had been completed on September 15, 1964 two further tests were made in September 17—19, 1964 and October 18 to November 1, 1965. The result of the first pumping test is shown in Fig. 2. Water level, discharge rate and tem- perature of the water have been plotted against time. At the end of the pumping test the water level was 13 m, the discharge rate 0.7— JÖKULL 17. ÁR 301
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