
Jökull - 01.12.1967, Síða 74

Jökull - 01.12.1967, Síða 74
CL, ppm I ( ■10000 •7500 • Akranes I I Húsavik /\ Selfoss + Se/tjarnames 4 B Sötvho/t Q /estmann tstands ■5000 5000 10000 15000 -► Totat dissotved sotids pp m Fig. 9. A diagram in which chloride content is plotted against total dissolved solids. Mynd 9. Línurit, sem sýnir sambandið milli klórs og heildarrnagns uppleystra efna. THE SYSTEM Na, Mg AND Ca and a discussion of the relatively high chloride content in some ground-iaater aquifers in Icelancl Evidence favours that certain changes take place in the relative proportion of sodium, magnesium and calcium in water which has derived its chloride content from sea-water en- trapped in sediments (IVhite 1965, Siever 1965). Calcium increases while magnesium decreases. Sometimes the sodium content decreases also. The relative proportion of these elements in the water from the deep well in Vestmann Islands along with water from wells at Húsa- vík, Leirá, Akranes, Seltjarnarnes, Selfoss and Sölvholt has been plotted in Fig. 10. The loca- tion of these areas is shown in Fig. 8. In all these localities the chloride of the water is assumed to be derived from sea-water which has percolated into the ground-water system. Fig. 9 illustrates how the chloride content varies with total dissolved solids, suggesting that this water is diluted sea-water, which has reacted with the wall rock. The low tempera- ture of the water (< 150° C) makes it prac- tically impossible that the chloride has been leached from the wall rock (see Ellis and Ma- hon 1964, 1967). Fig. 10. A triangular diagram showing the rela- tive proportions of the components Ca, Na and Mg. Mynd 10. Þrihyrningalinurit, sem sýnir sam- bandið milli natrium, kalsium og magnesium. 308 JÖKULL 17. ÁR
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