Jökull - 01.12.1967, Blaðsíða 95
logical stations the ice drit'ted still closer to the
coast, and towards SW along the NW coast, its
coverage was nowhere wide enough however,
to haniper shipping in daytime. Station Hval-
látur reports at 1700 IMT: Ice íloes observed
on shipping lanes. Considerable ice is seen on
the open sea.
Ice reconnaissance by SIF placed the char-
acteristic points of the ice at these coordinates:
6647/1435, 6625/1510, 6645/1615, 6635/1640,
6644/1700, 6612/1720, 6608/1750, 6615/1820,
6611/2050, 6603/2120, extending to the shore
írom Horn to Ritur, then 6610/2435, 6600/
2500. The distance o£ the ice edge was 5 miles
frorn Tjörnes, 5 miles from Gjögur ancl 3 miles
from Siglunes. For further details see map.
30/3 At 1100 IMT the rnain ice was 10—12
ntiles from Horn towards W to NE. During
the afternoon the ice drifted generally sea-
wards. This trend continued during the night.
31/3 The northward drift continues. Galtar-
viti, Siglunes, Grímsey and Skoruvík report that
JÖKULL 17. ÁR 329