
Jökull - 01.12.1967, Síða 97

Jökull - 01.12.1967, Síða 97
"°/4 Herðubreið observed large í'loe, sur- rounded by smalier ones, on shipping lane o£f Aðalvík, and Blikur scattered floes from Rifs- tangi past Hraunhafnartangi. 21/4 Ice reconnaissance by SIF: Characteristic points of the ice edge were at the following coordinates: 6620/1340, 6632/1420, 6640/1540, 6642/1630, 6654/1730, 6705/1735, 6655/1800, 6700/2040, 6648/2135, 6703/2205, 6700/2315, 6720/2350, 6630/2600. For further details see map. Skoruvík and Raufarhöfn reported some drift ice offshore and some stranded. M/g Aldan reported ice for 10 miles from NE to SE from Asmundarstaðaey. M/g Mánafoss passed a fairly large floe 18 miles N of Selsker (ice at 6622/2130). 22/4—23/4 Skoruvík reported considerable ice seaward (NW—E) near the horizon. Raufarhöfn also reports fairly dense ice extending to the shore around Ásmundarstaðir. M/g Mælifell re- ports on 23rd scattered ice from 6613/1420 to Rifstangi, more dense ice to NE and about 6 miles off Svínalækjartangi. 29/4 Skoruvík reports scattered ice out at sea. 30/4 M/g Goðafoss reports ice floe 101 degree true 13.5 miles from Horn and two more farther east. Coast Guard vessel Ægir reports the ice edge at 352 deg. true from Kögur, and extending from there to SE, but turning to SSE farther east. MAY 1967 Drift ice was frequently reported off the north coast, as in April. During the first three weehs the main ice edge seems to have stayed 20 to 40 miles from the western part of the coast but frequently extended almost to Mel- rakkaslétla and Langanes. During the last days of the month the ice approached the NW peninsula .closely, as it drifted away toward northwest and west. 1 /g Stations Plorn, Grímsey and Mánárbakki report very scattered ice, Grímsey also reports fairly dense ice in directions NW to E. M/g Jökulfell encountered ice 10 miles E of JÖKULL 17. ÁR 331
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