Jökull - 01.12.1967, Page 98
Óðinsboði and from there to a place 13 miles
E of Horn. Coast Guard vessel Ægir reports
dense strips 30 miles NE of Horn extending
SE to 13 miles from Óðinsboði, with open
water near the coast.
2/s Ægir reports dense strips 30 miles north
of Siglunes, orientated E—W. From there the ice
edge extends to 2 miles N of Grímsey then to
SE and E to a fix 315 clegrees 12 miles from
Mánáneyjar where the edge turns north. Strips
also encountered at 320° 14 miles and 340°
15 miles from Rauðanúpur. Grímsey reports
fairly dense increasing ice 8—10 miles away from
NNW to E but open water around the island.
Open water was also reported near Mánáreyj-
ar. M/B Björn reports dense ice strip 8 miles
E of Langanes extending to ESE and NE (true)
as could be seen.
s/s Ice reconnaissance by TF-DGD: Char-
acteristic features of the ice edge were at the
following points: 6645/1330, 6615/1420, then
to the shore near Fontur, then on to 6638/1520,
ice edge was not observed between this last
point and the next, 6703/1735, 6637/1757,
6625/1740, 6638/1825, 6642/1940. Coverage
generally 2/10—5/10. Open water extended to
approximately 40 miles SE of Langanes.
Ægir reports many dense strips at 343 deg.
true 17 miles from Langanes (Fontur), and ex-
tending from there to SE, with many floes
closer to shore, also strips and floes 2 miles
off Langanes and south of the peninsula. The
ice edge then continues in direction of 134 deg.
true for 7 miles and then turns E and NE.
Grímsey reported ice surrounding the island,
and Skoruvík very open pack l'rom shore sea-
4/ð Skoruvík reports little change, Grímsey
less ice towards south. From Florn the main ice
is estimated 20 miles away between NNE and
E, with strips and individual floes drifting
almost to the shore.
•'j5 Horn and Skoruvík report little change,
except that the main edge has moved some-
what closer to Horn. M/g Fjallfoss reports very
open pack from 6 miles S of Langanes around
the peninsula.
6/5 M/g Langá reports: Scattered ice cakes
from Straumnes to Skagatá. Rather dense ice
13 miles N of Skagi. Can be of danger to
7/s Ægir reports an ice floe at 6630/1530.
8/s Fjallfoss reports: Two growlers 1.8 and
2.6 miles N of Haugahlíð (E of Kögur).
15/5 A trawler reports at 6524/3000: Pack
ice edge not navigable 2 miles to north. Ori-
entation E—W. Another trawler at 6648/2436:
Drift ice less than a mile away to NW. Orienta-
tion NE-SW.
18/5 M/s Árvakur: Two floes 15 miles 96
degrees true from Horn.
17/5 Horn reports 3 large floes to NE, and
Skoruvík very open pack from NW to NE.
18/g At 0340 M/g Blikur reports dense strip
arching from 8 miles N of Svínalækjartangi to
Fontur where it comes ashore. Later in the
day this strip also came ashore at Svínalækjar-
tangi. From Fontur the strip extended 10—12
miles to SE, and in late afternoon some ice
drifted into Vopnafjörður. A ship also re-
ported scattered ice at 6642/2300.
19/s Ice reconnaissance by SIF: Characteristic
points of the ice edge were at the following
coordinates: 6657/1455, 6627/1540, 6640/1555,
6643/1630, then to shore at Rifstangi and along
the shore to Rauðanúpur, then to 6640/1725,
6645/2000, 6628/2030, 6706/2200, 6700/2235,
6713/2255, 6709/2530, 6716/2350, 6645/2600.
From 6716/2350 westward the coverage was
7/10—9/10, but elsewhere the coverage was
2/10—5/10. For further details see map.
Raufarhöfn reports ice strip from Ásmundar-
staðareyri (ashore) curving east into Þistilfjörð-
ur, m/b Sóley reports strips and open water
from Rauðanúpur and 9 miles towards west
and Grímsey one floe 2 miles SW of the is-
land. m/b Stígandi reports fairly large floe 3
miles from Norðfjarðarhorn, and Dalatangi
lighthouse a small floe drifting south. These
reports represent the farthest ice drift towards
east and south along the coast.
20/5—23/5 Considerable number of ice re-
ports were received indicating that the ice
clrifted closer to the western part of the north
coast. On the 20th Skoruvík reported ice de-
creasing and drifting eastward, but Hraun á
Skaga reports scattered ice sighted on shipping
route frorn N to NE, and ships report open
water or very scattered pack ice from Straum-
nes to 12—15 miles NE of Skagatá. On the 21st
the ice was observed from Horn and Grímsey
and two floes were observed in the mouth of
332 JÖKULL 17. ÁR