Jökull - 01.12.1967, Qupperneq 99
Eyjafjörður, otherwise the situation changed
little. On the 23rd the ice increased somewhat,
Horn reports dense ice from the coast out to
i/ of a mile, open pack and strips as far out
as can be observed. In the east a Coast Guard
vessel reported considerable drift ice from Tjör-
nesgrunn (off Mánárbakki) to Langanes, with
a shore lead around Melrakkaslétta. Raufar-
höfn also reports scattered ice offshore.
26/r,—30/ó Several reports were received, all
of drift ice near the northwest peninsula.
No ice was reported from other localities.
During this periocl open pack or open water
was reported from Horn, with a dense strip
about 34 mile along the shore. On the 26th
Galtarviti observed 2 floes on shipping route
west of the lighthouse. On the 27th the trawler
Kaldbakur reported many ice strips on shipp-
ing route from Kögur to 6624/2000, and on
29th M/g Arvakur reported scattered ice 1 }A
mile off Ritur and Aðalvík. On the 30th the
ice near the coast at Horn began to drift sea-
3i/s Ice reconnaissance by SIF: Characteristic
points of the ice edge were at the following
coordinates: 6802/1715, 6740/1650, 6730/1805,
6716/1700, 6708/1640, 6654/1720, 6654/1945,
6641/2100, 6620/2115, 6646/2150, 6622/2200,
6632/2255, 6708/2330, 6637/2545. For details
see map. Horn reports open water as far as
can be observed, and Coast Guard vessel Ægir
reports ice strip 6 miles N of Kögur, and open
water between Straumnes and Kögur. On the
first days of June the ice drifted away with E
and NE wind.
JUNE 1967
No ice was reported near the coasl of Ice-
20/g Ægir reports an ice strip at 71° N, 20
to 30 miles from Jan Mayen. Orientation from
W to E and then NE.
JÖKULL 17. ÁR 333