
Jökull - 01.12.1967, Síða 100

Jökull - 01.12.1967, Síða 100
ice edge at 6805/1820, which lay N and NW- ward from position. Followed the edge S and SE to 6759/1805 where it seemed to turn west- ward. SEPTEMBER 1967 Drift ice was reported approximately 50 miles NW from Ritur. 9/o Kaldbakur reports at 6642/2430: lce floe short distance away towards west. 10/» Fjallfoss reports at 1607 GMT: Large icebergs sighted, one each at positions 5842/4142 and 5900/4205 and one (smaller) at 5848/4232. Also a large radar target at 5855/4218. ls/o Ship DBFM at 6642/2436 reports heavy pack ice 12—16 miles NW from position, bear- ing of edge NE—SW. Navigation conditions in the ice unknown. 14/» M/g Síldin reports at 2000 GMT iceberg at 6713/2049. JÖKULL 17. ÁR JULY 1967 Towards the end of the month ice reports received from the vicinity of Jan Mayen in- dicated unusual extent of the ice. At that time ice was also reported 40 miles NW from Gölt- ur. 25/7 Ægir reports an ice strip at 7024/1400. Orientation WSW—ENE. 20/7 Ship reports ice from 6630/2459 to 6645/2450, also an iceberg at approximately 6654/3036. Ægir reports an ice strip at 7115/ 1147: Orientation S and W from the given position. AUGUST 1967 Some diift ice was observed to the north of Iceland. 15/g Grímsey reports a large floe 6—8 miles NW of the island. 19/g m/b Arnfirðingur reports: Encountered 334
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