Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1967, Síða 10
Nr. Ble.
115 Heildarfiakafll Bvrópulanda í Norður-Atlantahafi 1962, eftir þjóð-
erni fiskiakipa og veiðis-VŒðun/total fish catch of European fishing
vesaels in North Atlantic 1962, by nationality of fishing vessels
and by fishing grounds...............................................139
VI Iðnaður, byggingarstarfseml, rafmagnsveitur, lnnanlandsverzlun/
manufacturing, construction, power stations, domestic trade,
116 Slysatiyggðar vinnuvikur verkafólks, annars en afgreiðslufólks, í
iðnaði 1941-1962/insured vork weeks of operatives (sales workers
ezcepted) in manufacturing industries 1941-1962 .............. 140
117 Slysatryggðar vinnuvikur í fiskiðnaði og öðrun iðnaði 1947-1962/
insured work veeks in fish processing and other manufacturing in-
dustries 1947-1962 ............................................. 141
118 Hlutdeild Reykjavíkur í slysatryggðum vinnuvtkum í iðnaði 1947-1962/
insured work weeks in manufacturing industries 1947-1962. The capital
in per cent of whole country.........................................141
119 Slysatryggðar vinnuvikur vericafálks í iðnaði, annars en afgreiðslu-
fdlks, árin 1947-1962. Skipting eftir atvinnugreinum/insured work
weeks of operatives (sales workers ezcepted) in manufacturing in-
dustries 1947-1962, by industrial groups ........................ 142
120 Rekstrargjöld, eignir og akuldir iðnaðarfyrirtœkja áilð 1960. ŒLut-
fallsleg skipting/ezpenditure, assets and liabilities of manufaotur-
ing establishments 1960. Percentage distribution .................... 146
121 Framleiðsla á innlendum tollvörutegundum 1935-1964/production of
goods subject to ezcise duty 1935-1964 ............................. 147
122 Framleiðsla Sementsverksmiðju ríkisins 1959-1964, í tonnum/production
of the State Cement Factory 1959-1964, in metric tons ............... 148
123 Framleiðsla Aburðarverkamiðjunnar h.f. 1959-1964, í tonnum/production
of the Fertilizer Plant 1959-1964, in metric tons ................... 148
124 Hráefni til niðursuðu o.fl. 1959-1964, í tonnum/raw materials for
canning 1959-1964, in metric tons ................................... 149
125 Framleiðsla Áfengis- og tábaksverzlunar rikisins 1959-1964/production
of The State Wine, Spirit and Tobacco Authority 1959-1964 ......... 149
126 Framleiðsla ýmissa vefjarefna, fatnaðar o.fl. 1959-1964/production of
teztiles, apparel etc. 1959-1964 ................................... 150
127 Brauð og kexframleiðsla 1959-1964, í tonnum/production of bread and
biscuits 1959-1964, in metric tons .................................. 151
128 Framleiðsla á kössum, tunnum, pokum og ddsum 1959-1964/production of
barrels, baga and various packing containers 1959-1964 .'.......... 152
129 Framleiðsla skinna- og leðuivöru o.þ.h. 1959-1964/production of fur-
skins, leather etc. 1959-1964 .................................... 152
130 Framleiðsla ýmissa matvara, hreinlaetisvara o.fl. 1959-1964/production
of miscellaneous food preparations, chemical products etc. 1959-1964 153
131 Framleiðsla ýmissa steinsteypuvara 1959-1964/production in factories
of concrete and buildings materials of concrete 1959-1964 ......... 154
132 Framleiðsla nokkurra málmvara og rafmagnstækja 1959-1964/production
of metal goods and electrical equipment 1959-1964 ................. 155
133 Framleiðala og hráefnisnotkun i iðnaði 1929-1958/production and use
of raw materials in manufacturing 1929-1958 ....................... 156