Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1967, Side 16
Nr. Bls.
243 Vísitala byggingarkostnaðar í Reykjavlk 1939-1955/building cost in-
dex in Reykjavík 1939-1955 ......................................... 290
244 Vísitala byggingarkostnaðar í Reykjavlk 1955-1965/building oost in-
dex in Reykjavík 1955-1965 ............................................ 291
245 Byggingarkostnaður vlsitöluhiíssins (l205 m3) 1955-1965, eftir kostnað-
arliðuffi/building cost of a 1205 m^ dwelling house of common type
1955-1965, specified by main cost items .......................... 293
246 Heildartekjur framteljenda til tekjuskatts 1964 og tala þeirra, eft-
ir kaupstöðum og sýslum/income of individuals and their number 1964
according to tax retums, by towns and counties ....................294
247 Tala framteljenda til tekjuskatts og meðalbrdttdtekjur þeirra 1964,
eftir kyni og starfsstétt/number of persons declaring their income
to tax authorities and average gross income 1964, by sex and
248 Maðalbrdttötekjur kvœntra karla 25-66 ára árin 1962-1964, eftir sam-
andregnum starfsstéttum/average gross income' 1962-1964 of mairied men
25-66 years of age by occupational groups ........................300
249 Lágnudagvinnutímakaup Verkamannafélagsins Dagsbrúnar I Reykjavík 1906-
1966/minimum wage rates for ordinary unskilled labour in Reykjavík
1906-1966 ....................... 302
250 Meðalvinnutími og meðaltímakaup nokkurra starfsstétta I Reykjavlk
1964 og 1965/average hours of work and average hourly earings of
some occupational groups in Reykjavík 1964 and 1965 ............... 307
251 Grunnkaup I árslok 1965 samkvBemt helztu tímakaupstöxtum Dagsbránar/
main hourly wage rates for \mskilled labourers in Reykjavlk at end
of 1965 308
252 Grunnkaup I árslok 1965 samkvamt helztu tlmakaupstöxtum verkakvenna
I Reykjavík/main hourly wage rates for unskilled women in Reykjavfk
at end of 1965 309
253 Grunnkaup samkvsant nokkrum kauptöxtum iðnaðarmanna I árslok 1965/
basic wage rates of some groups of skilled labourers at end of 1965 . 310
254 Mánaðarleg grunnlaun ríkisstarfsmanna l.jamiar 1966, eftir launa-
flokkum/monthly basic salaries of state public servants on Jan.l 1966 312
255 Pélög I Alþýðusambandi íslands 1. janúar 1964 og tala félagsmanna I
þeim/unions of the Association of Icelandic Trade Unions January 1
1964, and number of members .........................................314
256 Arsfjérðungsleg skráning atvinnulausra manna I Reykjavík ly>9-1965/
unemployment registration in Reykjavlk 1929-1965 ................... 315
257 Tala skráðs fdlks I atvinnuleit 1956-1964 og tala atvinnulausra 1 árs-
lok samkv. starfsgögnum Ráðningarstofu Reykjavíkur/empliyment seekers
1956-1964, and number of unemployed persons at the end of each year,
according to the records of the municipal employment office in Rvík . 316
258 Utgjöld neytenda 1957-1960, I millj.kr. og hlutfallstölum/consimers'
expenditure 1957-1960, in mill. of kr. and percentages...............316
259 Irleg neyzla á nokkrum matvörum 1948-1964/yearly consumption of some
food articles 1948-1964 .......................................... 317
260 Árleg meðalneyzla á Ibúa af kaffi, sykri, tébaki, öli og áfengi 1881-
1964/yearly consumption per capita of coffee, sugar, tobacco, beer
and alcoholic beverages 1881-1964 ................................. 3ig ■