Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1967, Page 17
Nr. Bls.
XIII Skólar og mennlngarmál/education and culture,
261 Skálakerfið/the school syatem ............................ ...... 320
262 Tala kennara og nemenda í bamaakálum 1908-1964/number of teachers
and pupils in primary schools 1908-1964 ............................. 321
263 Tala bamaskála, kennara og nemenda þeirra í Reykjavík, kaupatöðum
og sýslum skálaárið 1963/64/number of primary schools, pupils and
teachers in the school year 1963/64, by towns and counties ..... 322
264 Tala framhaldsskála og sérskóla, og tala kennara og nemenda í þeim,
skélaárið 1964/65/continuation schools and special schools, their
number and number of teachers and pupils in them, in school year
1964/65 323
265 Landspröf miðskóla 1946-1964 og nám að því loknu í menntaskálun/
interraediate secondary school examination 1946-1964 and continued
education in grammar schools ...................... .......... 324
266 Tala brautskráðra stiidenta á íslandi 1901-1964/matriculation examina-
tion 1901-1964. Number ................................................ 325
267 Háskóli íslands 1911-1964/the University of Iceland 1911-1964 ... 326
268 Békaiítgáfa 1963/book production 1963 ............................. 328
269 Bókasöfn 1957 og 1963/libraries 1957 and 1963 329
270 Vikulegum átvarpstíma 1964 skipt eftir tegund dagskrárefnis/weekly
hours of broadcasting 1964 by kind of program .........................330
271 Útvarpssendar og útvarpsnotendur 1963/number of radio transmitters
and of owners of radio sets 1963 ................................... 330
272 Tala meðlima í félögum innan Bandalags Háskólamanna í ársbyrjun 1966/
number of members of societies within the Federation of University
Graduates at the beginning of 1966 .............................. 331
273 Tala íþróttaiðkenda innan Í.S.Í. 1963, eftir íþróttagreinum/the
Icelandic Federation of Sport Associations: Number of active parti-
cipants by categories of sports 1963 ............................ 332
XIV Dómsmál/.justlce.
274 Dómar vegna hegningarlagabrota. Arlegt meðaltal eftir tegund brots/
judgements in cases involving offence against per.al code, by type of
offence ............................................................333
275 Afgreidd opinber mál í Reykjavlk 1932-1964, eftir kæruefni/fjjr' hed
criminal cases in Reykjavík 1932-1964, by type of offence ..... 334
276 Afgreidd opinber mál í Reykjavík 1932-1964, eftir úrslitun iála/
finished criminal cases in Reykjavík 1932-1964, by outcome of cases 337
277 Eamdar refsingar vegna brota gegn hegningarlögum/penalties for
rffences against the penal code ............................. ..... 338
278 Gjaldþrot 1926-1964/bankruptcies 1926-1964 .......................... 339
279 Tala mála, sem stefnt hefur verið fyrir Hæstarétt 1920-1964/number of
cases before the Supreme Court 1920-1964 ............................ 340
XV Kosningar/electlons.
280 Atkvæðatölur og þingsæti stjómmálaflokka við alþingiskosningar 1942-
1963 og 1916-1937/votes and elected members of political paidd.es at
elections to the Althing 1942-1963 and 1916-1937 .................. 340