Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1967, Page 170
Production of barrels, bags.and various packing containers 1959- 1964.
Elnlng 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964
1 Kraftpappír til framleiöslu bylgju-
pappakassa Tonn 2150 1977 2133 1722 1998 2237
2 Annar pappiog pappfr til ösk]uger6ar " 1586 1505 1610 1968 2506 2446
3 TrjáviSur í trékassa .... Standarí 115 59 67 68 65 25
4 Stáltunnur 1000 stk 7 6 10 12 14 12
5 Blikkdósir tt 4055 5314 4330 4673 2999 3333
6 Sfldartunnur ( samsetning ) . . tt 145 144 109 119 113 106
7 Pappfr f poka Tonn 100 150 100 100 150 666
8 Sellóían f poka It . . . 9 9 11 13 17
9 Plasthráefni f poka tt ... ... ... 27 25 48
For translatlon of units of quantity see table 126.
Translation of text lines : 1: kraft paper used for the production of corrugated
paper boxes. 2: other paper and paperboard used for production of packing box-
es. 3: wood used for production of packing cases. 4: steel barrels. 5: tins.
6: herring barrels. 7: paper used for production of paper bags. 8: cellophane
used for production of bags. 9: plastic raw materials used for production of
Heimlldlr : Hagtfisindi.
Production of furskins, leather etc. 1959 - 1964.
Einlng 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964
1 SútaSar hrosshúSlr Stk. 6812 6773 5514 5358 6948 7862
2 SútaSar nautgripahúSir . It 7445 6937 8218 8989 9391 8638
3 SútuS sauSsklnn II 9524 13911 8273 10576 4704 6773
4 LoSsútaSar gœrur tt 46667 51200 31597 38130 66704 84621
5 AfullaSar gærur II 14195 16802 15193 18091 15057 8074
6 Ýmis sútuS skinn It 278 316 340 532 583 1717
7 LeSur og skinn 1) 8 Hanzkar ( úr leSri,leSurlfki og 1000 ferf. 391 415 369 359 319 265
taul) 9 Kventöskur ( úr leSri,leSurlfki og 1000pör 12 11 9 2 0,4
taul ) 1000 stk 19 22 23 25 24 24
10 Skóla-.skjala-innkaupatöskuro.þ.h. II 4 16 16 26 25 13
11 Bókakápur og möppur úr plasti . tt - 172 37 201 398 225
12 Bcltl ... 3 3 1
1) Sóla- og söSlasmfSaleSri sleppt.
For translation of units of quantity see table 126.
Translation of text lines : 1: tanned horse hides. 2: tanned cattle hides. 3: tann-
ed sheepskins, without wool. 4: tanned sheep skins, with the wool. 5: sheep skins,
without the wool. 6: tanned skins and hides, n.e.s. 7: leather. 8: gloves ( of
leather, imitated leather and woven fabrics ) 9: ladies' handbags ( of leather,
imitated leather and woven fabrics ). 10: school bags, brief-cases, handbags
n.e.s., etc. 11: book covers etc. of plastic materials. 12: belts.
Heimildir : Hagtfisindi.