Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1967, Page 302
1959 OG OKTÓBER 1963.
Breakdown of the cost of living index as of August 1959 and Oct. 1963.
Otgjaldaupph. , kr. Hlutfallasklpt.
Agúst Október Agúat Okt.
1 Innlendar matvörur frá landbúnabi oe siávarútveei/domestic food 1959 1963 1959 1963
1 2 3 4
products ( aRricultural (?oodfl and fish ) : Heildsöluverö óniðurgreitt/wholesale prices, not subsidized . 17798 28526 26,5 27,9
Frádregst: niðurgreiðsla/less subsidies -6040 -5926 -9,0 -5,8
Heildsöluverö niöurgreitt/wholesale prices, subsidized 11758 22600 17,5 22,1
Smásöluálagning/retail profit 2177 3546 3,3 3,4
S^fcsöluskattur/Síiisales tax - 601 - 0,6
Otsöluverö alls/total retail prices 13935 26747 20,8 26,1
2 Allar aörar vörur. innlendar ok erlendar/all other eoods. dome-
stic and imported : FOB - verö ( + yfirfærslugjald 1959 )/FOB prices ( + transfer fee
1959 ) 7293 13119 10,9 12,8
Flutningsgjald/freight 510 863 0,7 0,8
Vátrygging/insurance 106 225 0,2 0,2
CIF - verö/CIF prices 7909 14207 11,8 13,8
Aðflutningsgjöid /customs duties 3473 4352 5,2 4,3
Annar kostnaður viö innflutning/other import costs .... 430 764 0,6 0,8
KostnaöarvertS innfluttrar vöru/cost price of imported goods . 11812 19323 17,6 18,9
Heildsöluálagning lnnfl. vöru/wholesaleprofiton imported goods 2999 4185 4,5 4, 1
Heildsöluverö innfluttrar vöru/wholesale prices of imported goods 14811 23508 22,1 23,0
Innlent hráefni til framleiSslu/domestic raw materials for proc. 733 1429 1,1 1,4
Laun viö framleiöslu/wages in domestic production 2811 3885 4.2 3,8
Innlent tollvörugjald/excise duties Alagning í framleiöslu, heildsölukostnaöur framleiddrar vöru o.fl^ 188 216 0,3 0,2
profit in domestic production, wholesale cost etc Söluskattur og útflutningssjóösgjald 1 framleiöslu/sales tax and 2078 2811 3.1 2,7
export fund contribution 925 - 1,3 -
Heildsöluverö óniöurgreitt/wholesale prices, not subsidized . 21546 31849 32,1 31,1
Frá dregst : niðurgreiðsla smjörlfkis og kaffis/less subsidies on margarine and coffee -284 -571 -0,4 -0,6
Heildsöluverö niöurgreitt/wholesale prices, subsidized 21262 31278 31,7 30,5
Smásöluálagning/retail profit 4495 7010 6,7 6.9
3%söluskattur/3% sales tax - 1143 - í.i
(Jtsöluverö alls/total retail prices 25757 39431 38,4 38,5
3 Innlend þjónustaydomestic services : HeildarupphæÖ an söluskatts o.fl./total amountexcl. sales taxetc. 7701 12509 11,5 12,3
Söluskattur og útflutningssjóösgjald í framleiöslu/sales tax and export fund contribution 80 . 0,1 .
3% söluskattur/3%sales tax 228 - 0,2
CtsöluverC alls/total gross prices 7781 12737 11,6 12,5
4 Húsnæöi/rent 10200 11067 15,2 10,8
5 Beinir skattar/direct taxes £400 12407 14,0 12,1
1-5 (Jtgialdaupphæö vísitölu, brúttó/total gross expenditure . 67073 102389 100,0 100,0
6 Frá dregst : fjölskyldubætur/less children allowances . . -820 -6893 -1.2 -6,7
Alls/total. 66253 95496 98.8 93,3
Tranalation : Col.1.2: expenditure. kr.Augugt 1959 and October 1963. Col. 3—1: percentages.
Heimildlr : Handrit f Hagstofu fslands.