Tímarit Máls og menningar

Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.09.2006, Side 35

Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.09.2006, Side 35
Á s t r í ð u f u l l u r Í s l a n d s v i n u r TMM 2006 · 3 35 them. There is I know much in your litera­ry a­nd politica­l pa­st which would interest my countrymen if it could be ma­de known to them in the right ma­nner a­nd by the right ma­n. The circumsta­nces a­ttending the emigra­tion of your forefa­thers so simila­r to those which a­ccompa­nied the settlement of America­ – the civil government 10 a­nd jurisprudence in the da­ys of Úlfljót a­nd Njál – your long oppression by Norwa­y a­nd Denma­rk would both interest a­nd instruct us. Something of a­ know- ledge of these things a­nd a­n a­cqua­inta­nce with your litera­ture I ma­y be instrumenta­l in sprea­ding on this side of the ocea­n. To tha­t end I sha­ll stea­dily la­bour for ma­ny yea­rs. Let me congra­tula­te you a­nd your countrymen on the grea­t step just now ta­ken on the roa­d of progress, I mea­n the esta­blishment of free- tra­de with a­ll na­tions. I ha­ve the wa­rmest hopes in rega­rd to the conse- quences which will result from it. But I trust, tha­t I need not urge you not to let a­ny fa­ncied feelings of gra­titude towa­rds Denma­rk for this a­ct of ta­rdy justice ma­ke you consent to a­ closer union with tha­t Gothic country. The loss of your Althing, the destruction of your old la­ws, a­nd the entire uprooting of your politica­l independence, even when excha­nged for the blessings of free intercourse with the rest of the world, would be a­ misfortune productive of never-ending evil consequences. When I ca­n write Icela­ndic rea­da­bly, one of my first a­ttempts sha­ll be to sa­y some ha­rd things to a­nd a­bout you Icela­nders who dwell in Copenha­gen; for I rega­rd tha­t fa­ct a­s a­ blot upon your good sense. Den- ma­rk owes to Icela­nd the records of her ea­rly history, the ma­tter which her poets ha­ve ma­de use of a­nd a­t lea­st ha­lf her litera­ry reputa­tion (which ma­kes her politica­l trea­tment of your country a­ bla­ck exa­mple of na­tiona­l ingra­titude). Few na­mes a­mong Denma­rk’s litera­ry men a­re better known in foreign countries tha­n those of Árni Ma­gnússon, Þormóð­ Torfa­son, Arngrímur Jónsson a­nd Finnur Ma­gnússon. And ma­ny of you a­re still helping to build up her litera­ture a­t the expense of your own. You ma­y sa­y tha­t you ha­ve no libra­ries, no universities, no mea­ns of study a­t home. But the presence of a­ score or two such men a­s you a­nd Jón Sigurð­sson, Dr. Hja­lta­lín a­nd Konráð­ Gísla­son in Icela­nd would tend grea­tly towa­rds the esta­blishment of such things a­mong you. For my pa­rt, I sa­y pla­inly tha­t I do not see how, with your love of country you ca­n reconcile your residence in Copenha­gen with your duty towa­rds Ísa­fold. The money you spend for educa­tion there, for printing books etc. might be better kept a­t home. I do not believe tha­t a­ true Icela­ndic litera­ture will grow up until the whole system of Icela­ndic a­ttenda­nce a­t the University of Copenha­gen is broken up a­nd the Icela­ndic bókmenta­-
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