Félags- og heilbrigðismál - 01.07.2003, Síða 29

Félags- og heilbrigðismál - 01.07.2003, Síða 29
Ibúar og lífskjör 27 Tafla 2.1.5. Mannfjöldi eftir fæðingar- og ríkisfangslandi 31. desember 1980,1991 og 2000 Table 2.1.5. Population by country ofbirth and citizenship 31 December 1980, 1991 and 2000 Fæðingarland Country of birth Ríkisfangsland Country of citizenship 1980 1991 2000 1980 1991 2000 Alls Total Alls Total Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females Alls Total Alls Total Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females Mannfjöldi alls Population total 229.187 259.577 283.361 141.870 141.491 229.187 259.577 283.361 141.870 141.491 ísland lceland 223.203 249.012 266.434 134.137 132.297 225.947 254.182 274.537 137.880 136.657 Önnur lönd Other countries 5.984 10.565 16.927 7.733 9.194 3.240 5.395 8.824 3.990 4.834 Norðurlönd Nordic countries 3.007 4.529 5.497 2.499 2.998 1.360 1.674 1.676 646 1.030 Danmörk Denmark 1.687 2.209 2.456 1.118 1.338 950 1.095 960 392 568 Finnland Finland 68 83 127 40 87 45 50 87 23 64 Noregur Norway 553 754 892 396 496 275 340 318 117 201 Svíþjóð Sweden 517 1.153 1.650 790 860 90 189 311 114 197 Önnur EES-lönd Other EEA countries 1.524 2.259 3.016 1.408 1.608 794 1.224 1.587 768 819 Bretland United Kingdom 441 689 769 436 333 324 449 391 246 145 Þýskaland Germany 755 859 1.120 379 741 234 308 489 139 350 Önnur Evrópulönd Other European countries 175 954 3.333 1.599 1.734 92 796 2.885 1.401 1.484 Júgóslavía (fyrrum) Yugoslavia (Formerf 28 153 655 375 280 31 133 413 230 183 Pólland Poland 28 521 1.590 714 876 21 482 1.479 697 782 Ameríka America 929 1.507 2.086 1.072 1.014 731 891 913 481 432 Bandaríkin United States 747 1.173 1.474 781 693 636 721 597 327 270 Afríka Africa 61 248 488 280 208 38 160 265 159 106 Asía Asia 156 904 2.401 835 1.566 114 505 1.431 513 918 Filippseyjar Philippines 16 175 720 182 538 28 133 483 152 331 Taíland Thailand 1 127 597 141 456 1 130 444 116 328 Víetnam VietNam 32 115 235 109 126 33 86 133 59 74 Eyjaálfa Oceania 122 164 105 39 66 104 145 59 19 40 Án ríkisfangs Stateless 10 - - - - 7 - 6 2 4 Utlönd ótilgreint Unspecified - - 1 1 - - - 2 1 1 Hlutfallsleg skipting, % Percent distribution Alls Total 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 Island Iceland 97,39 95,93 94,03 94,55 93,50 98,59 97,92 96,89 97,19 96,58 Önnur lönd Other countries 2,61 4,07 5,97 5,45 6,50 1,41 2,08 3,11 2,81 3.42 1 Tölur um Júgóslavíu eru ekki alveg sambærilegar milli ársins 2000 og áranna 1991 og 1980 vegna breytinga sem orðið hafa á ríkjaskipan innan Júgóslavíu á síðasta áratug. Figures on Yugoslavia are not totally comparable between the year 2000 and the years 1991 and 1980 due to changes of the states within Yugoslavia in the last decade.
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Félags- og heilbrigðismál

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