Félags- og heilbrigðismál - 01.07.2003, Síða 74

Félags- og heilbrigðismál - 01.07.2003, Síða 74
72 Fjölskyldur og böm Tafla 4.3.10. Árlegar barnabætur hjóna og einstæðra foreldra með meðaltekjur 1995-2000 Table 4.3.10. Yearly amounts ofchild allowances of couples and single parents with average income 1995-2000 Krónur ISK Hjón og sambúðarfólk Couples Einstæðir foreldrar Single parents 1 bam 2 böm 3 böm 1 bam 2 böm 3 böm 1 child 2 children 3 children 1 child 2 children 3 children Verðlag hvers árs At current prices 1995 39.364 68.072 1996 39.448 68.216 1997 39.448 68.216 1998 - _ 1999 - _ 2000 - - A föstu verðlagi' At constant prices' 1995 45.275 78.295 1996 44.364 76.717 1997 43.580 75.361 1998 _ _ 1999 _ _ 2000 — _ 112.578 174.875 328.313 486.036 74.832 171.241 321.631 476.946 155.271 176.166 331.481 496.645 60.349 165.398 312.459 475.683 26.739 164.299 310.849 476.061 _ 157.024 297.754 460.056 129.484 201.137 377.617 559.025 84.158 192.581 361.712 536.381 171.535 194.619 366.203 548.668 65.569 179.702 339.480 516.821 27.956 171.778 324.999 497.732 _ 157.024 297.754 460.056 Skýring Note: í öllum tilvikum er reiknað með einu bami yngra en 7 ára. In all instances a child under 7 years old is included. 1 A verðlagi ársins 2000. At constant prices of2000. Heimild Source: Þjóðhagsstofnun og embætti ríkisskattstjóra. The National Economic Institute and Internal Revenue Directorate. Tafla 4.3.11. Mæðra- og feðralaun 1991-2000 Table 4.3.11. Single parents's allowance 1991-2000 Bótaþegar 1. desember Recipients 1 December Fjöldi bama á framfæri Number of children supported by Alls Feður Mæður Feðra Mæðra Alls Feður Mæður Total Fathers Mothers Fathers Mothers Total Fathers Mothers Bótagreiðslur í millj. kr. Benefits in mill. ISK 1991 8.015 582 7.433 752 49 703 1992 8.121 567 7.554 803 51 752 1993 7.595 518 7.077 261 15 246 1994 7.546 500 7.046 262 14 248 1995 7.787 491 7.296 284 13 270 1996 2.791 102 2.689 226 6.146 153 5 148 1997 2.941 104 2.837 230 6.492 168 5 163 1998 3.064 105 2.959 232 6.777 193 6 187 1999 3.048 111 2.937 245 6.739 204 7 197 2000 3.186 118 3.068 259 6.991 219 7 212 Skýring Note: 1. janúar 1993 lækka bætur verulega. 1. janúar 1996 er greiðsla með fyrstabami felld niður. Benefits were greatly reducedas ofJanuary 1993. Allowance withfirst child was abolished as ofJanuary 1996. Heimild Source: Tryggingastofnun ríkisins. State Social Security Institute.
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