Vinnuafl - 15.01.1996, Blaðsíða 30
Vinnuafl 1963-1990
Tafla 1. Vinnuaflsnotkun eftir atvinnugreinum 1963-1990. Ársverk skv. staðli ISIC 1968
Table 1. Employment by industry 1963-1990. ÍSIC classification 1968
ISIC-staðall 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969
Fjöldi ársverka
Vinnuaflsnotkun alls 67.315 72.370 75.690 77.620 77.668 78.002 78.660
Starfsemi fyrirtækja alls 60.278 64.744 67.682 69.173 68.418 67.903 68.072
1 Landbúnaður og fiskveiðar 13.516 13.951 14.172 14.664 14.826 14.962 15.132
11 Landbúnaður 9.054 9.129 9.567 10.144 10.214 10.476 10.420
13 Fiskveiðar 4.463 4.822 4.604 4.520 4.612 4.486 4.711
3 Iðnaður 17.063 18.192 18.242 17.882 16.431 15.945 17.461
30 Fiskiðnaður 6.542 6.959 6.987 6.257 5.433 5.342 6.155
31 Annar matvælaiðnaður 2.233 2.413 2.449 2.630 2.537 2.535 2.488
32 Vefjariðnaður 2.101 2.274 2.092 1.962 1.777 1.617 1.789
33 Tijávöruiðnaður 1.177 1.326 1.347 1.453 1.440 1.371 1.334
34 Pappírsiðnaður 1.181 1.377 1.293 1.305 1.318 1.382 1.377
35 Efnaiðnaður 531 521 538 555 595 630 660
36 Steinefnaiðnaður 553 473 553 638 580 524 618
37 Málmbræðsluiðnaður 273
38 Jámvöruiðnaður 2.587 2.611 2.725 2.780 2.460 2.292 2.505
39 Ýmis iðnaður 160 238 259 303 292 252 262
4 Raf-, hita- og vatnsveitur 303 390 408 382 396 414 571
41 Rekstur rafmagns- og hitaveitna 290 378 394 365 380 398 550
42 Rekstur vatnsveitna 13 12 14 17 17 17 22
5 Byggijigarstarfsemi 7.167 8.629 9.002 9.376 10.397 10.603 8.976
6 Verslun, veitinga- og hótelrekstur 9.218 9.644 10.766 11.266 11.192 10.894 10.608
61 Heildverslun 3.079 3.171 3.679 3.764 4.135 3.954 3.404
62 Smásöluverslun 4.952 5.333 5.829 5.981 5.570 5.455 5.744
63 Veitinga- og hótelrekstur 1.186 1.140 1.258 1.521 1.487 1.485 1.460
7 Samgöngur og fjarskipti 6.458 6.775 7.168 7.331 7.244 7.021 6.874
71 Samgöngur 5.199 5.564 5.745 5.898 5.760 5.513 5.455
72 Rekstur pósts og síma 1.259 1.211 1.424 1.433 1.484 1.507 1.419
8 Peningastofnanir, tryggingar o.fl. 1.841 2.132 2.377 2.677 2.757 2.851 2.967
81 Peningastofnanir 963 1.048 1.140 1.275 1.350 1.393 1.391
82 Tryggingar 407 507 534 592 532 536 537
83 Þjónusta við atvinnurekstur 471 577 703 811 874 922 1.039
9 Ýmis þjónustustarfsemi einkaaðila 4.712 5.032 5.547 5.596 5.175 5.213 5.484
93 Heilbrigðisþjónusta á vegum einkaaðila 344 464 473 456 399 423' 460
94 Menningarmál 574 622 694 754 793 878 988
95 Persónuleg þjónusta 2.940 3.082 3.398 3.373 3.387 3.272 3.352
96 Vamarliðið og ísl. starfslið erl. 853 863 982 1.013 597 641 683
Starfsemi hins opinbera 6.379 6.909 7.257 7.649 8.312 9.033 9.527
Önnur starfsemi 659 718 752 800 938 1.067 1.061
Vinnuafl 1963-1990
1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 ISIC classification
81.458 85.549 88.028 90.430 93.457 95.194 98.362 Employment, total
70.182 73.692 75.303 76.950 79.101 79.841 81.998 Enterprises, total
15.335 14.986 14.617 14.528 15.013 14.471 14.564 Agriculture and fishing
10.137 9.799 9.605 9.620 9.822 9.326 9.326 Agriculture
5.199 5.187 5.012 4.908 5.191 5.145 5.238 Fishing
18.760 19.883 20.334 20.446 20.548 21.450 22.026 Manufacturing
6.351 6.604 6.544 6.438 6.745 7.548 7.898 Fish processing
2.579 2.586 2.661 2.790 2.856 2.806 2.885 Manufact. of other food; manuf of beverages and tobacco
2.134 2.311 2.335 2.541 2.331 2.122 2.125 Manufacture of textiles
1.499 1.572 1.627 1.669 1.674 1.791 1.776 Manufact. ofwood and wood products, including fumiture
1.405 1.418 1.608 1.611 1.507 1.555 1.527 Manufacture of paper products; printing and publishing
680 789 771 766 738 782 846 Manufacture of chemicals and plastic products
636 676 772 706 773 757 752 Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products
436 486 491 575 615 658 747 Metal mining and basic metal industries
2.802 3.184 3.238 3.087 2.997 3.125 3.171 Manufact. offabricated metal prod., mach. and equipment
238 259 288 264 313 307 298 Other manufacturing industries
546 604 527 440 480 490 602 Electricity and water supply
528 588 510 424 459 474 588 Electricity and hot water supply
17 16 17 16 21 16 13 Water supply
8.709 9.632 9.768 10.836 11.120 11.531 12.010 Construction
11.018 11.755 12.249 12.658 13.106 13.115 13.280 Trade, restaurants and hotels
3.607 3.793 3.953 4.311 4.505 4.630 4.585 Wholesale trade
6.025 6.349 6.631 6.672 6.857 6.802 6.840 Retail trade
1.386 1.614 1.665 1.675 1.744 1.683 1.855 Restaurants and hotels
6.891 7.274 7.721 7.738 7.738 7.712 7.868 Transport, storage and communications
5.429 5.648 6.103 6.094 6.132 6.146 6.200 Transport and storage
1.462 1.626 1.618 1.644 1.606 1.565 1.668 Postal and telecommunication services
3.285 3.527 3.786 3.989 4.398 4.567 4.830 Finance, insurance, real estate etc.
1.469 1.600 1.738 1.866 2.036 2.116 2.203 Financial institutions
572 572 609 625 698 695 654 Insurance
1.244 1.355 1.439 1.498 1.663 1.756 1.972 Real estate and business services
5.639 6.031 6.302 6.316 6.700 6.505 6.819 Community, social and personal services
458 486 493 540 619 666 680 Prívate health services
1.048 1.222 1.354 1.388 1.515 1.303 1.336 Cultural services and recreation
3.437 3.607 3.727 3.664 3.857 3.737 3.904 Personal and household services
696 715 728 724 710 799 900 NATO base activities; foreign embassies in Iceland
10.127 10.627 11.348 11.932 12.609 13.407 14.330 Government services
1.149 1.231 1.378 1.548 1.748 1.946 2.034 Private non-profit services