Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 13.12.2019, Page 5

Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 13.12.2019, Page 5
䨀氀愀琀椀氀戀漀℀ 䜀愀猀猀欀礀渀樀愀爀椀 洀⼀ 爀愀昀栀氀甀 漀最 氀氀 栀氀攀猀氀甀琀欀椀 洀攀 ㈀ ─ 愀昀猀氀琀琀椀 昀爀愀洀 愀 樀氀甀洀 䜀愀猀猀欀礀渀樀愀爀椀 ㄀㔀 爀愀 攀渀搀椀渀最 洀攀 爀愀昀栀氀甀 䠀氀攀猀氀甀琀欀椀 匀欀漀爀爀椀 攀栀昀 ∠ 䈀氀搀猀栀昀椀 ㄀㈀ ∠ ㄀㄀  刀瘀欀 ∠ 㔀㜀㜀ⴀ㄀㔀㄀㔀 ∠ 眀眀眀⸀猀欀漀爀爀椀⸀椀猀 ㈀ ─ 䄀昀猀氀 琀琀甀爀匀欀漀爀爀椀 攀栀昀 ∠ 䈀氀搀猀栀昀椀 ㄀㈀ ∠ ㄀㄀  刀瘀欀 ∠ 㔀㜀㜀ⴀ㄀㔀㄀㔀 ∠ 眀眀眀⸀猀欀漀爀爀椀⸀椀猀 䔀爀 樀攀瀀瀀椀渀渀 琀椀氀戀切椀渀渀  樀氀愀昀爀椀㼀 猀琀愀爀琀 昀礀爀椀爀 樀攀瀀瀀愀渀渀  瘀攀琀甀爀嘀攀氀搀甀 爀甀最最琀 䴀氀甀洀 ∠ 匀欀椀瀀琀甀洀 ∠ 吀爀愀甀猀琀 漀最 昀愀最氀攀最 ︀樀渀甀猀琀愀


Dagblaðið Vísir - DV

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