Málfríður - 15.05.1989, Síða 7

Málfríður - 15.05.1989, Síða 7
Transformation Translation Unscrambling Vocabulary items (through selec- tion, translation, matching) 5.4. The test-types listed above are those which teachers and testees commonly use at the moment. They represent an unstructured shopping list of what is available to the test designer to choose. When the choice is made, what matters is not whether the test-type is overtly ‘communi- cative’ but whether it will actually do the job it is intended to do. Is it appropriate to the ‘WHO’ and the ‘WHY' and the resultant ‘WHEN’ and ‘WHAT’? The overall message, then, is horses for courses, but for those readers interested in an examination of langugage proficiency that is founded on communicative princi- ples, I recommend a look at the Uni- versity of Cambridge Examinations in the Communicative Use of En- glish These are based on research into what people actually do with language in real-iife, with test-types, topic areas, language function, for- mats and marking procedures de- fined accordingly, Ihey may not en- tirely qualify for the label communi- cative, but they represent a number of significant steps in the right direc- tion, D.A. February 1989 SELECTIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY I.ado, R. (1961) Language Test- ing, (Longman). Heaton, J.B. (1975) Writing Eng- lish Language Tests (Longman). Allan & Davies (1977) E.C.A.L. IV (O.U.P.). Morrow, K. (1977) Techniques of Evaluation for a Notional Syllabus (R.S.A.). Oller, J.W. (1979) I.anguage Tests at School (Longman). Carroll, B.J. (1980) Testing Com- municative Performance (Perga- mon). Harding. A., Page, B., Rowell, S. (1980) Graded Objectives in Mod- ern Languages (Centre for Informa- tion on Language Teaching and Re- search). Heaton, J.B. (1982) Language Testing (M.E.T.). Harrison, A. (1983) A Language Testing Handbook (Macmillan). Underhill, N. (1987) Testing Spo- ken Language (C.U.P.). Carroll, B & Hall, P. (1985) Make Your Own Language Tests (Pergamon). o þýska bókasafnið Goethe Institut Tryggvagötu 26 101 Reykjavík Sírni 91-16061 Stærsta safn þýskra bóka á íslandi Menningarmiðstöð Sambandslýðveldisins Þýskalands Fagurbókmenntir og fræðirit bæði fyrir börn og fullorðna Plötur, tónbönd, kennsluefni fyrir þýskukennslu Dagblöð og tímarit Safnið er öllum opið og útlán endurgjaldslaus Opið mánudaga til fimmtudaga frá 14.00-18.00 7



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