Málfríður - 15.05.2003, Page 18

Málfríður - 15.05.2003, Page 18
Dæmi um vinnu nemenda (um vefsetrið Neopets): My friend told me about this site 7 rnonths ago.You can have your own pet there, great for those who can’t have pets in real world, and you can feed it and play with it and even let them have a pet of their own (called petpets) but they are pretty expensive. The pets can’t die but they can get sick and hungry and unhappy. If you don’t like playing with them and want action try the Neopets Battledome, now there is a war going on, if you don’t want to be in it-ok-but if you want to-good-. It is between 2 worlds, Meridell and Darigan. Hrefna Olafsdóttir Slóðir: Vinna nemenda: http://www.geocities.com/brad- ger_born/ Skýrsla um verkefnið í heild: http://www.grunnskolar.is/fraedslumid- stodin.nsf/Files/Bradgerborn-Afanga- skyrsla/$file/Bradger%20born%20- %20Afangaskyrsla.pdf Um verkefnin sem nú eru í gangi: http: / /heimiliogskoli ,is Dæmi um vefi sem krakkarnir sögðu frá: www.neopets.com http://www.melodramatic.com Bækur: Thomas Armstrong, Fjölgreindir í Skólastof- M«m,JPV útgáfa, 2001. Peter Elbow, Everyone can Write, Oxford University Press, 2000. Helen Dewitt, The Last Samurai, Vintage, 2001. Armann Halldórsson, enskukennari við Verslunarskóla Islands IPNMfNNT. ÍÐNÚ BRAUTARHOLTI 8 • 105 REYKJAVÍK bókaútgáfa SÍMI 562 3370 • FAX 562 3497 • idnu@idnu.is Bækur og skólavörur fyrir grunn- og framhaldsskóla



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