Hinsegin dagar í Reykjavík - 01.08.2014, Page 9
Burt með feluleikinn
Hvað þarf helst að breytast hvað varðar
málefni intersex fólks á Íslandi?
Feluleikurinn. Það er mikilvægasta atriðið.
Það að allir séu hver í sínu horni með sína
greiningu og upplifi sig sem einangraða.
Það á enginn að þurfa að alast upp og halda
að það sé svo mikið að honum að það þurfi
að halda því leyndu.
Intersex Ísland
Hægt er að senda Intersex Íslandi tölvupóst
á intersex@samtokin78.is. Einnig fundar
hópurinn fyrsta þriðjudag í hverjum mánuði
í nýju húsnæði Samtakanna á Suðurgötu 3.
Allir sem hafa greiningu sem getur flokkast
undir intersex eru hjartanlega velkomnir,
sem og foreldrar og aðrir aðstandendur.
Intersex Ísland verður enn fremur með atriði
í gleðigöngunni og þeir sem vilja styðja hin
nýstofnuðu samtök með því að ganga með
þeim eru hvattir til að hafa samband með
Kitty æfir karate hjá Þórshamri (Ljósmynd: Birkir Jónsson)
The Big Secret: Kitty Anderson discusses
her experience of being intersex
When Kitty Anderson was only three
months old, doctors discovered that
she had CAIS, or Complete Androgene
Insensitivity Syndrome. This means that
Kitty has XY chromosomes, but the cells
in her body are immune to androgens, and
as a result her body developed mostly like
a female body. She had a orchidectomy
when she was three months old in
1982, which at the time was a common
practice, but is now often believed to be
an unnecessary operation – or at least a
decision people should make themselves
as a teenager or an adult. CAIS is often
treated as a big secret within families as
well as the public health system, and Kitty
first learned that she had CAIS when she
was twelve and had to start a hormonal
treatment to artificially start her puberty.
She felt betrayed and found it difficult
to accept that she was ‘different’, but
gradually accepted it, especially after
her cousin was also born with CAIS. Kitty
knows very few other intersex people
in Iceland, but has attended intersex
conferences in England and been in
contact with organisations worldwide.
Now she has founded the organisation
Intersex Iceland, which she hopes will be a
step towards stopping the secrecy around
intersex matters and improving the legal
status of intersex people in Iceland.
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