Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Blaðsíða 26

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Blaðsíða 26
XXIV Olåfs saga Tryggvasonar (see p. 2313; probably the text of the Flateyjarbok). Konungs skuggsjå (see p. 3418). borlåkur Skulason uses these sources more extensively than Bryn- jålfur, drawing from them amplifications for Arngrimur Jånsson’s narratives. This in so far agrees with the total impression gained from the two treatises. borlåkur is the more sober of the two, laying the main stress on the facts without losing himself in speculations on them; he is especially interested in the historical side of the question, while Brynjolfur does not attach so much importance to the historical aspect but, on the other hånd, cannot resist the temptation to embel- lish his observations with learned explanations. Despite his soberness borlåkur, however, does not seem to assume a more critical attitude than Brynjolfur to the superstitions of the age (see e.g. pp. 1232, 1335 ff ), except with respect to the belief in ghosts, where Brynjolfur seems most inclined to accept the current views (§11 and 12a). There is reason to mention the attitude of the two authors to the Danish trade monopoly. borlåkur Skulason only makes a single comment on it (p. 1810"12), from which, however, his antipathy to it is quite clear. His colleague speaks at more length upon it (see pp. 271'5 and 3615'23), actually calls the merchants extortionists and points out the injustice of the freeborn people of the country being compelled to be the slaves of their pleasure. These remarks are surely not casual if we consider that the treatise was sent to a man so in- fluential as Otte Krag. We shall hardly be mistaken in assuming that Brynjolfur not only freely expressed his opinion but also nourished a hope of being able to contribute to the lightening of the burden of the monopoly. We know of several attempts in the same direction, precisely from this time; it must suffice to mention Justice bårSur Hinriksson’s description of conditions on the Holmur (Reykjavik) from the 24/8 16471 and the petitions of the Icelanders to the King when Frederik III. was crowned in 16492 * *. The remarks quoted show that Brynjolfur Sveinsson agreed with the great majority of his coun- 1 Andvari 37 (1912) pp. 123-28, ef. Jon A6ils, Einokunarverzlun Dana å tslandi p. 104. (= Den danske Monopolhandel på Island pp. m-12). 2 Skjol um hylling tslendinga 1649 (Sogurit 12, 1914) pp. 52 and 56; cf. Annålar 1400-1800 I, 1922-27, p. 292; Jon A8ils, l.c. pp. 109 and 587 (= Den danske Monopolhandel på Island pp. 116 and 626).
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Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana

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