Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Blaðsíða 28

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Blaðsíða 28
XXVI In any case they have both been lost, probably in the fire 1728. Only copies are preserved. 1. RS has only been preserved in GI. kgl. Saml. 2856, 4/0 in the Royal Library of Copenhagen, a manuscript (20.5 X 16.2 cm.) from the 17th century. The manuscript comprises 32 pages, of which pp. 2 and 31-32 are blank, and only contains RS. It has been carefully written, has very few patent errors in the text and so to speak no corrections. The scribe cannot have been Icelandic, as appears plainly from his somewhat clumsy attempt to write the special Icelandic character f> in the names on pp. 1431, 1631, 171 (in Mukajmera 1634, seems to have been corrected with another kind of ink). Further a non-Icelandic form such as Nahualler 1224 and the original form Naur (corrected to Naar) 1235 would seem to point to a Danish scribe. In some passages the scribe seems to have omitted references to the original which was sent to the bishops; hence the text appears disconnected, mutilated. The first example of this is p. 42"3 “supra citatus Sinesius” (cf. Hondius’ remark on Sinesius in § 2). But it applies especially to § 14 and the beginning of §§ 15 and 16. Here the sen tences in I71"3 and notably in 174 are quite unintelligible without a reference to Hondius’ words in § 14. “Hic numerus” (174) evidently refers to Hondius’ phrase: templa praeterea trecenta viginti novem. Similarly “Ulud ... utrumqve” (179) refers to the first sen- tence in § 15 in Hondius. Finally “illud” (1726) must refer to Hon- dius’ words in § 16: nunc autem fruges aliunde allatas huic miscere didicerunt, as will appear from the confutation that follows. In all these passages there must in the original in some way or other have been a reference to Hondius, but these references have then been left out by the copyist. 2. HR has been preserved in three copies which have all been used in the present edition. None of them has been written by Ice- landic scribes, see e.g. the error Reybianes p. 3 2 29, and the names on p. 3521. 16 = DG: 12-16 in the University Library of Uppsala is a ma- nuscript (20.3 X 16.5 cm.) of miscellaneous contents, see V. Godel’s catalogue pp. 17-19. HR is the last section of the manuscript, leaves
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Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana

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