Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Blaðsíða 27

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Blaðsíða 27
XXV trymen in their view of the trade relations. There is especially reason to emphasise this unambiguous expression of opinion, because later on Brynjolfur assumed a very cautious attitude to the merchants and the Danish authorities in Iceland1, and is never known to have put himself at the head of his dissatisfied countrymen in their attempt to lighten the pressure of the trade monopoly. As a bishop Brynjolfur was a very masterful man who jealously guarded the rights of his office and deplored the reduction in the episcopal power which the reformation had brought with it. This attitude becomes quite clear where he speaks of the authority of the Icelandic bishops (p. 2721"30), and complains of the small power of the clergy in contemporary Iceland. As indicated above, the personal stamp is more conspicuous in Brynjolfur Sveinsson’s treatise than in the more sober exposition of his colleague. From the treatise of borlåkur we gain the impression of a precise man who keeps to the facts, with a solid knowledge of the history of his country, but not a highly gifted man. The treatise of Brynjolfur strikes us directly as the work of a greater personality for good and evil, testifying as it does to a larger outlook, a better general education, and wider reading, but at the same time a greater tendency to bombast and extravagant phrases (which indeed was not unusual at his time) accompanied by a considerable supercilious- ness, not to say arrogance. These are characteristics well known from his later extensive correspondence, but it is not without interest to note them at such a comparatively early stage of his career. III THE MANUSCRIPTS AND THE PRESENT EDITION Description of the Manuscripts. The originals of both the treatises here published2 must be sup- posed to have been incorporated in the archives of the Danish Chan- cellery or—more probably—to have been in Krag’s private possession. 1 See e.g. Safn FræSafélagsins XII p. XII. 2 For convenience the two treatises are quoted in the sequel as RS — Respon- sio subitanea and HR = Historica de rebus Islandicis relatio.
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Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana

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