Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Blaðsíða 87

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Blaðsíða 87
53 pression énl Mavtigoftovlov yoiotl to nqdcy[iu (thus e.g. Lucian, De mercede cond. 21 ; cf. Suidas ed. Ada Adler II 385 and 389) ; used about something growing steadily less. § 12 a. It is understandable that the north country man, Bishop borlåkur, makes much more of the Polar ice than his colleague in the south country (see the note to p. 3420"27 above). The most note- worthy feature is the rationalistic explanation of the sounds from the ice given by Bishop borlåkur. This explanation is his own, as nothing corresponding to it is found in the passage quoted in the Brevis comm. P. 169. The allusion is to the winter of 1632-33, see Annålar 1400-1800, I 238-39. § 13. Both treatises here merely have a reference to Amgrimur Jånsson’s Brevis comm. (pp. 67V-69V), which already Ortelius (and af ter him Hondius) had quoted in addition to the older cock-and-bull stories. HR adds a further reference to Anatome Blefkeniana (p. 64), where, however, there is nothing more than there is in Brevis comm. and Crymogæa pp. 50-51. § 14. The gross distortions of the names of the monasteries in Hondius are derived from Ortelius, except for Munkeniere which is written Munketuere in Ortelius. The remark about the schools is not in Ortelius, and it cannot be decided whence Hondius has it. The number of the pupils, 24, is not stated in Brevis comm. p. 66v, where the schools are mentioned. P. 1631'33. The explanation of the pronunciation of the letter {j is taken almost verbatim from Crymogæa p. 25. — 17\ The reference is to Hondius’ information of the 329 churches, cf. Introduction p. XXVI. § 15. The statements of the two bishops are here diametrically opposed. borlåkur confines himself to an indignant dismissal of the little flattering assertions of Hondius, referring merely to the leng- thier treatment in Brevis comm. (pp. 7or-75v), but passes over the other statements of Hondius in silence. Brynjolfur does just the op- posite; taking no notice of the disparaging remarks, he uses the eulogistic terms of Hondius as a starting point for a vigorous attack
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