Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Blaðsíða 83

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Blaðsíða 83
49 — 1337. Pastinaca is mentioned by Pliny N. H. IX 20, XXXII 2 et pass. — 1410. Seevant (same form in 314) is a misreading of Seeuaut in Hondius (Ortelius: Seenaut) ; this is most in accord with an Icelandic form sænaut (thus HR, p. 315), while RS suggests the parallel form sjånaut (1411). To this RS then adds hrosshvalur and svinhveli, as an example of other whales that have been named after land animals; incidentally, both species are mentioned in Konungs skuggsjå. — 2g27 ff. HR first reviews the migrations of the fishes round the coasts of Iceland, then mentions sharks and seals, concluding with whales. — 5o21-35. Instead of reviewing the species of whales here, Bi- shop Brynjolfur sent Krag drawings of the whales he knew with descriptions in Icelandic appended. As it is hardly probable that the bishop had any great firsthand knowledge of whales, he may possibly have taken his drawings and descriptions from Jon GuSmundsson’s work “Um Islands aSskiljanlegar nåtturur”1, since this self-taught Icelander was under the special patronage of Bishop Brynjolfur from the 1640’s. His drawings of the Icelandic whales were, as times then went, astonishingly good, so there was nothing remarkable in Bishop Brynjolfur having them copied to send to Krag with HR. § 10. Of the deviations in this section from the arrangement of Hondius see Introduction p. XII. The story of the three volcanoes Hekla, Helga (feli), and Mons crucis (Creutzberg) occurs probably for the first time in Sebastian Miinster (Cosmographia, 1544) and Georgius Agricola (De ortu et causis subterraneorum, Basileæ 1546) ; the latter is indeed quoted as a source by Hondius. Ortelius does not mention Mons crucis, but Hondius reintroduced this fabulous mountain from earlier sources. P. 14™. The reference is to the eruptions of Hekla in 1597 (the same year that Bishop borlåkur was born), in 1619, and in 1636. — J430-i513. RS here mentions an eruption which had taken place “annis abhinc circiter XXX”, and from which the author had experienced the shower of ashes on a voyage from Iceland to Den- 1 Islandica XV, p. 5 ff. The work was probably written at the beginning of the 1640’s. Two Treatlses on Iceland 6
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Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana

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