Arkitektúr og skipulag - 01.12.1989, Síða 91

Arkitektúr og skipulag - 01.12.1989, Síða 91
Guðmundur Kr. Guðmundsson, Ólafur Sigurðsson and Þorsteinn Gunnarsson. The theatre in- cludes two auditoria, one a conventional theatre seating 570, the other a hexagonal space which can be adapted to different productions, seating up to 250. Page 37 A House is a Window Novelist Guðbergur Bergsson suggests that the kind of houses people live in are a window on the soul. Page 38 Changing the Town A large shopping and service complex is being constructed in Keflavík. One section, a hotel, is already in use. The building was designed by Bjami Marteinsson, and interior designer Kjartan Jónsson also worked on the hotel. Page 41 In Memoriam Jón Haraldsson Jón Haraldsson, who died on May 28 1989, was bom in 1930. After qualifying in dentistry, he went on to study architecture in Trondheim, graduating in 1960. His work was often reminiscent of sculpture (such as the church in Stykkishólmur). He also did original work in town planning. Page 45 On the Drawing Board: A New Sports Hall in Reykjavíklceland hopes to host the world handball championships in 1993 or 1994, and a new sports hall to seat 8,000 spectators is being designed for the purpose by architects Gísli Halldórsson, Halldór Guðmundsson and Bjami Snæbjömsson of Teiknistofan hf. Page 46 Rúrí - sculpture and environment Art historian Gunnar B. Kvaran writes about the work of sculptor Rúrí, who builds on the basis of conceptual art. Her works, which have eamed her a reputaion both in Iceland and abroad, are generally on a very large scale, and in close interaction with their environment. The latest, to be erected outside Reykjavík's university cin- ema/concert hall, is a 6-metre monumental arrangement of four hexagons in concrete and glass reminiscent of colum- nar basalt formations. Page 50Winter Gardens Pétur Jónsson considers how a garden should be planned for year-round enjoyment, not simply summer use: he discusses the different col- ours of trees and shrubs, arrangement of trees to give a welcoming appearance, gar- den lights, hot pools and under-surface heating, etc. Page 54 Theme Gardens at the State Horticultural School The school celebrated its 50th anniversary this year, and seven theme gardens were presented to the school by the Association of Landscape Architects: Liquid Art by Oddur Hermannsson with artist Halldór Ásgeirsson, Marsh Garden by Pétur Jónsson, Spiral Garden by Einar Sæmundsen, Sundial by Áslaug Traustadóttir, Children's Garden by Áslaug Traustadóttir, A Garden to Stay In by Yngvi Þór Loftsson and Pleasure Gar- den by Þórólfur Jónsson. Page 56 Freedom or Control Architect Gestur Ólafsson ar- gues that planning authorities have powers which are too far-reaching for present con- ditions, based upon obsolete concepts of development and of the "average" family's needs. He suggests that individuals, companies, etc., should have more scope to create the environment they want. Page 61 Icelandair, Iceland's major airline was founded in Akureyri, 50 years ago. A competition was held this year. The first price was won b yan Icelandic sculptor Pétur Bjamason. Page67 Central Baltimore, Boston and Reykjavík In April 1989, the Reykjavík Planning Committee trav- elled to the USA, where they studied the redevelopment of the old harbour in Baltimore and Quincy Market in Boston. Various ideas, such as pedestrian streets, roofed piazzas, and re-use of old harbourfacilities, are already being applied to future planning of Reykjavík's old centre. The next issue of Architecture and Planning will include a report on resi- dential areas in Columbia and Reston. Page 74 " Aktion Poliphile" Architects Margrét Harðardóttirand Steve Chris- ter of Studio Grandi in Reykjavík, architects of the Reykjavík City Hall now under construction, recently won an architectural compe- tition for houses in Wi- esbaden, West Germany. Their design is for two buildings: the main house,"Delia", and a smaller annexe, "Satum". All the designs will be exhibited in Frankfurt in January 1990. Page 78 Iceland's youth Organization owns land in Þrastaskógur, some lOOkmfromReykjavík. An idea competition was held this year about the possible future use of this area. the winning entry was by Pálmar Kristmundsson and Bjöm Skaftason Page 82 Design for the University of Iceland Last September, a remark- able set of drawings was discovered. The original designs made by Guðjón Samúelsson (later State Archi- tect) for a University build- ing, they date from 1914-15. Page 84 A Natural Mate- rial Makes its Comeback Halldór K. Valdimarsson dis- cusses the advantages of lino- leum as a flooring material. As well as being a natural material, it is fire-resistant, long-lasting, and resists most substances and solvents. Linoleum is enjoying grow- ing popularity. ARKITEKTÚR OG SKIPULAG 89
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