Leyfi til að elska - Mar 2023, Page 29
Poustie et al. 5
were coded and analyzed for this study. The last item at the end of the survey
This last section is to give you an opportunity to add any further comments or
information you wish to share with us that you think might be beneficial in
helping us better understand your circumstances in being alienated from your
child or children. Please do not include any information that could potentially
identify you or anybody else involved in your situation (including the alienating
parent, your current partner, any of your children, or anyone providing you
with support, e.g., your psychologist, lawyer, etc.).
One hundred and twenty-six of the 225 participants who completed the
completed the survey responded to this question. These self-identified tar-
geted parents provided detailed narratives of their experience of parental
alienation and alienating behaviors in response to this question. To this end,
the responses to this question is the focus of the current study. The narra-
tives provided in response to this question have been treated as true experi-
ences of targeted parents; however, it is possible that the participants in this
study may be estranged from their children. An analysis of results from the
quantitative items on the survey can be seen in Balmer et al. (2018).
Data Analysis
Responses to the last item on the survey were thematically analyzed. Thematic
analysis is a flexible method where the researcher analyses qualitative data
from an open-ended start point, conducts a thorough thematic investigation of
the entire data set and takes an inductive approach—guided by the data rather
than a preestablished hypothesis (Braun & Clarke, 2006; Hansen, 2006;
Holloway & Todres, 2003; Saladana, 2009). In other words, the data drives the
research process rather than the researcher testing theories drawn from avail-
able literature (Braun & Clarke, 2006; Corbin & Strauss, 2008). The current
study followed the six phase thematic analysis framework as outlined by Braun
and Clarke (2006). NVivo-11 (QSR International, 2015) was used to generate
and apply codes to the qualitative data and to identify and extract themes.
The findings are presented using data extracts that exemplify the narratives
provided by the participants. The researchers identified six themes that indi-
cated hallmarks of the targeted parent perspective regarding parental alien-
ation and alienating behaviors: (a) Tactics, (b) Distance, (c) the System,