Gripla - 2023, Page 355

Gripla - 2023, Page 355
“SHOULD SHE TELL A STORY …” 353 starts telling Ólafur where her people come from and later of her parents’ courtship, her own birth, the loss of her mother, and her father’s mad- ness, which is the result of a curse. After listening to the tale, Ólafur helps Þórhildur break that curse. She thanks him and offers him her assistance should he ever find himself in trouble. After that, Ólafur heads home with the sheep. Numerous other nested stories interrupt the primary storyline in subsequent chapters. Unlike Odysseus, Ólafur seldom takes on the role of narrator, but it is sometimes noted that he tells others what has happened to him in previ- ous chapters. A good example is from Ólafur’s first encounter with the elf woman Álfhildur who asks him “að segja sér allt af högum hans síðan hann tók að leita fjár föður síns. Tók hann til frá upphafi og sagði söguna þar sem hér var komið, snjallt og áheyrilega, og undraði flesta.” (“to tell her all that has befallen him since he began searching for his father’s sheep. He started at the beginning and recounted the story up to the present mo- ment, with great skill, to the wonder of many.”)16 Furthermore, the third- person narrator of Ólafssaga occasionally implies that the work is based on Ólafur’s own account. Describing his departure, the narrator explains, for instance: “Litast þá Ólafur um og sá að sól skein í heiði, og hefir hann svo síðan sagt að hann hafi þá tvo hluti fegursta séð: plássið, í hverju hann var staddur, og Álfhildi, er stóð fyrir framan hann.” (“Ólafur looked around and saw that the sun shone in a cloudless sky, and he has since said that he saw then two of the most beautiful things: the place where he stood, and Álfhildur, who stood before him”, 48) Considering these examples, Ólafssaga, just like The Odyssey, can be described as a narrative of narra- tives, a work of fiction that “speaks its own creation.”17 III Todorov continues discussing nested narratives in the chapter “Narrative- Men.” At the outset, he explains how characterization in classic works of literature is a-psychological. In The Odyssey and The Thousand and One 16 Eiríkur Laxdal, Saga Ólafs Þórhallasonar. Álfasagan mikla, eds. Þorsteinn Antonsson and María Anna Þorsteinsdóttir (Reykjavík: Þjóðsaga, 1987), 41. All quotations from Ólafssaga are translated by Julie Summers. For the rest of the article, I will refer to this source in the main text with page numbers within brackets. 17 Ibid., 61.
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