Málfríður - 15.03.2006, Page 11

Málfríður - 15.03.2006, Page 11
MÁLFRÍÐUR 11 b) creating associations with different kinds of music, colours, feelings, nature scenery, ... c) imaginary travelling or ´guided fantasies´ – at the ZOO, at the seaside, in a cave, in a balloon, in a rainforest, ... The teacher invariably speaks slowly, quietly and peacefully. The last minute is a transition from a relaxed mind to an active mind. The teacher gradu­ ally returns to a normal voice and before pupils open their eyes they respond to a few commands / turn your head left and then right, put up your shoulders, rub your palms, put your palms on your eyes, take a deep breath, open your eyes .../. The duration of preparatory exercises is 4 – 6 minutes. They can be situated at the beginning of the lesson to tune over from the previous lesson, in the middle of the lesson for a change and a rest or at the end of the lesson for recovery and good mood. Relaxed Mind Teaching and Learning It makes use of 6 – 10 minute units at the end of appropriate lessons for the revision of subject mat­ ter, vocabulary of some topic, situational phrases or simply for better remembering. The introduc­ tion within such a unit should be one of prepara­ tory exercises which serve as a conditional reflex evoking a relaxed state of mind of the students. Communication for feedback is based on agreed signals /slowly nod your head if you understand, if your ´answer´ was right/. Students are asked to repeat some words, phrases, sentences in their mind. In the same way they answer questions, fin­ ish unfinished sentences / see them in their inner vision/ in the silent period they are given for this. All this is done in a slow, peaceful and comfortable way. The transition to active mind at the end is also very important. The teacher gradually speaks in a normal voice and after they open their eyes, students are asked to stretch their arms, neck, back, stand up and even dance /pop music can be an inspiration/. Final eliciting of vocabulary, phrases or simple revision of the most important facts or ideas contribute to fixing the desired parts of subject matter. Besides it brings a sort of fulfilment in every­ body and builds the ability to engage and share. Guided fantasies and how to use them We have created a collection of 10 guided fanta­ sies /colourful pictures and two little texts on the same topic with vocabulary/ for better mastering of Relaxed Mind Teaching and Learning. Students see the picture first and name the things – vocabu­ lary they already know. Then the new vocabulary is introduced and practised. After that they are asked to sit in the relaxed position with closed eyes, listen to the text read by the teacher slowly in a quiet voice.



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