Lögberg - 19.12.1946, Blaðsíða 32

Lögberg - 19.12.1946, Blaðsíða 32
32 LÖGBERG, FIMTUDAGINN 19. DESEMBER. 1946 •A tf-ew- Pöirití o*i HOW TO ESCAPE FROM BURNING BUILDING NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Established 1850 Assets $39,042,638.00 SATISFACTION SECURITY UNION INSURANCE SOCiETY of CANTON, LIMITED Established 1835 Assets $29,720,700.00 Three-quarters of our Dwelling-Fire deaths occur UP- STAIRS from downstairs fires, simply because heat rises. When a fire gets underway, super-heated air and combustion gases ranging from 800 to 1,000 degrees in temperatures, quickly flood the upper ha.ll of a house. People, roused from their sleep, who dash excitedly into that hall from their bed- rooms are often felled in their track, dead long before the actual flames reach them. A little advance thought and training would save count- less lives. If you wake up and smell smoke, don’t jerk open the bedroom door. First, put the palm of your hand on the door panel above your head, if the wood is hot, DON’T open the door: It is too late, the hot wood (or even the hot door knob) means that the ha.ll beyond is charged with deadly heat and you can’t possibly make the stairs. Instead, leave the door closed: Escape by a window if possible; or, at least, yell for help from the window. With a closed door between you and the fire, you have a good chance to survive until resuce comes. If the door panel on the door isn’t hot, open it cautiously. Brace your hip and foot against it, to be prepared in case you have to shut it quickly. Put the palm of your hand across the crack above your head, then open the door an inch or so. If there is any pressure against the door — or if you feel an in- rush of heat on your hand — slam the door shut and take to the window. Next to that of opening doors properly in a burning build- ing, is the business of CLOSING THE DOORS. Time and time again, the person who discovers a fire rushes off in a frenzy of excitement, leaving the door of the room wide open. Natur- ally, the accumulating heat and fumes are free to sweep up- ward through the rest of the house, unimpeded. If that door were instantly slammed shut, the fire and its advance guard of heat and gases would be bottled-up for quite a few minutes, and perhaps the house could be saved. An oft-cited case is that of the young housewife who tried to pep up the coal-fire in her kitchen range with some kero- sene; tþe vapors exploded, blowing the fire all over the room. By the time she regained her wits, the whole kitchen was in flames. Her first thought was for her baby. asleep upstairs, so she tore out of the kitchen to the nursery, grabbed the child, and started back downstairs. Meanwhile, neighbors had telephoned an alarm. The Fire Department responded promptly from a station not far away, but when they arrived they found mother and child dead in the upstairs hall. They were killed by the deadly fumes which raced up the stairs. HAD SHE CLOSED THE KITCHEN DOOR, she would possibly have escaped down the stairs, or HAD SHE CLOSED THE BEDROOM DOOR, they would likely have been rescued through the bedroom window. Both lost their lives because she did not close the doors behind her. CAMDEN FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Established I84I Assets $18,583,702.00 STABILITY SER VICE SECURITT INSDRANCE COMPANY Of NEW HAVEN, CONN. Established 1841 Assets $19,553,562.00 May we join in the spirit of the Festive Season and wish each and all of you a MERRY CIÍRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR! J. J. SWANSON & CO.. LIMITED 308 AVENUE BUILDING PHONE 97 538



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