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Bókasafnið - 01.04.1995, Qupperneq 9

Bókasafnið - 01.04.1995, Qupperneq 9
Clyde, Laurel A. 1994. An Introduction to the Internet: Course Manual. Reykjavík : Lindin. Clyde, Laurel A. 1995. School Libraries and the Electronic Community: The Internet Connection. Metuchen, New Jersey : Scarecrow [í vinnslu]. Decandido, Graceanne A. 1993. School librarians on the Internet: an on- line story. School Library Journal39 January: 10-11. Gaffin, Adam 1994. Everybodys Guide to the Internet. Boston : MIT Press. Grycz, Czeslaw Jan and Maxwell, Christine. 1994. New Riders Official Inter- net Yellow Pages. Indianapolis: New Riders. Hahn, Harley and Stout, Rick. 1994. The Internet Yellow Pages. New York : Osborne. Heslop, Brent and Angell, David. 1994. The Instant Internet Guide. Reading Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley. The Internet Library : Case Studies of Library Internet Management and Use. 1994. Still, Julie ed. Westport, Connecticut: Meckler. Keays, Thomas. 1993. Searching online database services over the Internet. Online 17(1) January: 30-33. Kehoe, Brendan 1994. Zen and the Art of the Internet: A Beginner's Guide to the Internet. 3rd ed. New York : Prentice-Hall. Kovacs, Diane K., Schloman, Barbara F., and McDaniel, Julie A. 1994. A model for planning and providing reference services using Internet reso- urces. Library Trends 42(4) Spring: 638-647. Krol, Ed. 1994. The Whole Internet: Users Guide and Catalog. Sebastopol, California : O’Reilly and Associates. Ladner, Sharyn J. and Tillman, Hope N. 1993. Using the Internet for refer- ence. Online 17(1) January: 45—51. Ladner, Sharyn J. and Tillman, Hope N. 1993. The Internet and Special Librarians: Use, Training, and the Future. Washington, DC : Special Libr- aries Association. Lane, Elizabeth and Summerhill, Craig. 1992. An Internet Primer for In- formation Professionals: A Basic Guide to Internet Networking Technology. Westport, Connecticut: Meckler. LaQuey, Trace. 1992. The Internet Companion: A Beginners Guide to Global Networking. Reading, Massachusetts : Addison-Wesley,. Librarians on the Internet. 1994. Kinder, Robin. Binghampton, New York : Haworth Press. McClure, Charles R., Moen, William E., and Ryan, Joe. 1994. Libraries and the Internet/NREN: Perspectives, Issues, and Challenges. Westport, Conn- ecticut: Meckler. Miller, Elizabeth B. 1994. The Internet Resource Directory for K-12 Teachers and Librarians. Littleton, Colorado : Libraries Unlimited. Newby, George. 1993. Directory of Directories on the Internet: A Guide to In- formation Sources. Westport, Connecticut: Meckler. On Internet: An International Title and Subject Guide to Electronic Journals, Newsletters, Books, and Discussion Lists on the Internet. 1994. Westport, Connecticut: Meckler. Polly, Jean Armour and Cisler, Steve. 1994. Should public libraries connect? Library Journal, 119(5) March: 24-26. Radcliff, Carolyn, Du Mont, Mary, and Gatten, Jeffrey. 1993. Internet and reference services: implications for academic libraries. Library Review 42(1): 15-19. Tillman, Hope N. and Ladner, Sharyn. 1992. Special librarians and the Internet. Special Libraries 83(3) Spring: 127-131. Wood, Lamont. 1994. The Net After Dark : The Underground Guide to the Coolest, the Newest, and the Most Bizarre Hangouts on the Internet. Delp- hi: CompuServe, AOL and Melbourne : More, Jacaranda Wiley. SUMMARY The Internet The Internet has become an influential and widely discussed phenome- non of the 1990s, with more than 38 million users in Dec. 1994. This international network of computer networks is important for business, research, education, many of the professions, as well as for libraries of all kinds. Traces the history of the Internet back to 1969. The Internet is described; the basic Internet tools and services are disfussed, such as electronic mail, listservs, electronic journals, USNET newsgroups, telnet, ftp, gopher and the World Wide Web. A research carried out by the author in 1993-1994 among school media specialists using the Internet has shown that the major applications of the Internet in libraries are for professional contact and communication, for answering reference questions and provid- ing information services, for locating information about resources for possi- ble acquisition or as the basis of inter-library loan requests, for providing Internet access for library users and as means by which libraries can make information available outside their own walls. Concludes with a short sec- tion on how to get more information about the Internet and a selected bibliography related to the use of the Internet in libraries. In addition some pointers to library-related Internet resources (Icelandic and international as well) are provided. VIÐAUKII: Nokkur Internetpóstfóng á Islandi Póstlistar - Listservs skrudda@rhi.hi.is (Tengiliður: Ólöf Benediktsdóttir, olofbe@rhi.hi.is) Til að tengjast Skruddu request-skrudda@rhi.hi.is KATALOGOS-L@rhi.hi.is (Takmarkað við nemendur og kennara í bóka- safns- og upplýsingafræði við Háskóla íslands. Tengiliður: Anne Clyde, anne@rhi.hi.is) Gophers íslenska menntanetið (ISMENNT) gopher akureyri.ismennt.is Háskóli íslands gopher hengill.rhi.hi.is Síður á Veraldarvefnum Alþingi http://www.althingi.is/ Morgunblaðið http://www.centrum.is/mbl/ Web Sense (Björk’s Web Server) http://www.centrum.is/bjork/ Bóksala stúdenta http://www.centrum.is/unibooks/ Háskóli íslands http://www.rhi.hi.is Háskóli íslands - Library and Information Science Programme http://www.rhi.hi.is/'-anne/ Hafrannsóknastofnun/Directorate of Fisheries http://www.hafro.is/welcome.e.html VIÐAUKIII: Nokkur alþjóðlegpóstfóng tengd bókasafhsfrœði Póstlistar — Listservs PUBLIB LM_NET STUMPERS-L LIBADMIN LIBREF-L PUBYAC listserv@nysernet.org listserv@suvm.syr.edu STUMPERS-L@CRF.CUIS.EDU listserv@umab.bitnet listserv@kentvm.bitnet listserv@nysernet.org Gopbers LC MARVEL (Library of Congress Gopher) gopher marvel.loc.gov PORTICO (The British Library Gopher) gopher portico.bl.uk BUBL (Bulletin Board for Libraries) gopher bubl.bath.ac.uk American Library Association gopher gopher.uic.edu IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) gopher python.konbib.nl Go M-Link (University of Michigan Libraries) gopher mlink.hh.lib.umich.edu National Library of Canada Gopher gopher gopher.nlc-bnc.ca Australian National University Library Gopher gopher info.anu.edu.au National Library of Medicine Gopher gopher gopher.nlm.nih.gov Síður á Veraldarvefnum Exploring the World Wide Web: A Guide to Cyberspace http://www.eit.com/web/www.guide/ University of Waterloo Electronic Library, Canada http://www.lib.uwaterloo.ca/ Smoky Hill High School Library, Colorado, USA http://smokywww.ccsd.kl2.co.us/Department/Departmentl l.html University of Virginia Library, USA http://www.lib.virginia.edu/ Bókasafnið 19. árg. 1995 9
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