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Bókasafnið - 01.04.1995, Qupperneq 74

Bókasafnið - 01.04.1995, Qupperneq 74
2. Hvaða upplýsingar þarftu daglega og hvaða upplýsingar sjaldnar? 3. Hvaðan færðu upplýsingarnar? 1) Óformlega; t.d. í gegnum samstarfsfólk, starfsmenn í öðrum bönkum, sérfræðinga, ráðagóða og fróða ein- staklinga, á óformlegum mannamótum (hádegisverð- arfundir eru dæmi um slíkt), í sjónvarpi, í dagblöð- um og tímaritum. 2a) Formlega innan bankans t.d. frá Reiknistofu bank- anna, í (aðal)upplýsingakerfi bankans, úr öðrum tölvuvæddum upplýsingakerfum (e.t.v. sérstaklega forritað fyrir þitt starf), í (árs)skýrslum, fréttabréfum, minnisgreinum eða öðrum formlegum skrifum, með skipulögðu eigin eftirliti eða mati á starfi undirmann þinna. 2b) Formlega utan bankans; t.d. frá stofnunum erlendum sem innlendum, (tölvuvæddum, beinb'nu) gagna- grunnum, skipulögðum lestri rita sem fjalla um þitt starf. 4. Getur upplýsingakerfi bankans hjálpað þér frekar við að taka ákvarðanir í starfi? Hvað hlutverki telur þú að upplýs- ingakerfið geti gegnt við stjórnun bankans? Ekki verða tíundaðar niðurstöður af þessum vett- vangskönnunum hér. Lokaorð Hér hefur verið reynt að gera grein fyrir því, sem upplýs- ingakerfi fyrir stjórnendur verða að byggjast á. Þau þurfa að byggja á nákvæmri skilgreiningu á vinnu stjórnenda (við að taka ákvarðanir) og athugun á þörf stjórnenda fyrir upplýs- ingar. Upplýsingakerfin verða að hafa ákveðin markmið og vera hluti af þeirri heild sem stofnunin/fyrirtækið er. HEIMILDIR: Anthony, RobertN. 1965. Planning and controlsystems: aframework for ana- lysis. Cambridge : Harvard Univ. Avison, D.E. og A.T. Wood-Harper. 1990. Mtdtiview: an exploration in in- formation systems development. Oxford: Blackwell. Berry, Tony. 1987. Management information systems: an overview. Mana- gement information systems in libraries and information services. Rit- stj. Colin Harris. London : Graham. Bommer, Michael R.W. og Ronald W. Chobra. 1982. Decision making for library management. N.Y. : Knowledge. Cronin, Blaise. 1982. Progress in documentation: Invisible colleges and in- formation transfer: a review and commentary with particular reference to the sociai sciences. Journal of Documentation 38(Sept.): 212—237. Galbraith, Jay R. 1977. Organization design. Reading : Addison-Wesley. Lantz, Brian. 1986. Evaluation of technical services functions: towards a management information system. Journal of Librarianship 18 (Oct.): 257-279. Leslie, Gavin. 1986. Decision support systems: learning to apply computers. Aslib Proceedings 38(Sept.) : 275-283. Mintzberg, Henry o.fl. 1976. The structure of‘unstructured’ decision processes. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(June): 246-275. Mooer, Calvin N. 1960. Mooer’s law, or why some retrieval systems are used and others are not. American Documentation 11 (July): ii. Murdick, Robert G. og John Munson. 1986. MIS: Concepts and design. 2. útg. London : Prentice-Hall. Olaisen, Johan. 1990. Information versus information technology as a stra- tegic resource: areas of application of information and information technology in Norwegian banks and insurance companies. InternationaL Journal of Information Management 10: 192—214. Olsgaard, John N. 1982. Characteristics of managerial resistance to library management information systems. Library automation as a source of management information.Ritst]. E Wilfrid Lancaster. Urbana-Champain : Univ. of 111. Rhodes, Paul C. 1993. Decision support systems: theory andpractice. Henley- on-Thames: Waller. Robson, Wendy. 1994. Strategic management and information systems: an in- tegrated approach. London: Pitman. Sanders, David F. 1992. Determining information requirements of senior management: towards a methodology. Canadian Journal of Information Science 17(April): 1-23. Scott, George M.1986. Principles of management information systems. N.Y. : McGraw-Hill. Senn, James A. 1990. Information systems in management. 4. útg. Belmont: Wadsworth. Shank, Russell. 1982. Management information and the organization: homily from the experience og the data rich but information poor. Libr- ary automation as a source of management information. Ritstj. F. Wilfrid Lancaster. Urbana-Champain : Univ. oflll. Simon, Herbert A. 1977. The new science ofmanagement decision. Endursk. útg. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. SUMMARY Information Systems for Management: their Role and Potentials The article is based on a master thesis at the University of Wales with the title Management Information and Decision Support Systems : their Role and Potential for Decision Making on All Levels of Management. The und- erlying foundations for the existence of Management Information Systems (MIS) and Decision Support Systems (DSS) are discussed, i.e. decision mak- ing and management information. Categories of decisions; levels and stages of decision making are analysed. Management information is discussed in detail as external vs. internal information and as formal vs. informal in- formation. It is argued that the systems approach is very useful when establ- ishing management information needs and when designing MIS and DSS. By using this approach one gets a holistic view of the organization and ther- efore better systems for the managers. Two comparative case studies, cond- ucted by the author, are briefly discussed: One conducted in an Icelandic bank and the other in two Icelandic research libraries. nashuate< * Mestseldu Ijósrihinarvélar á íslandi I ★ Faxtæla' ★ Fjölritar ★ Kjölbinditæld Vðnduö þjónusta og traustar vélar tryggja vinninginn I Verib velkomin í vinningsliðið! Umboð: Hljómver, Akureyri Pollinn, Isafírói Geisli, Vestmannaeyjum ARMULA 8 - SIMI 588-9000 74 Bókasafhið 19. árg. 1995
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