

Stúdentablaðið - 01.09.1987, Blaðsíða 27

Stúdentablaðið - 01.09.1987, Blaðsíða 27
New Students NEW FOREIGN STUDENTS! WELCOME TO ICELAND! As you know it is important to get the right information, especially as a newcomer in a strange country. Fortunately, there are a number of good services available to you in this regard. Stúdentablaðið One source of information which you will ilnd useful is the newspaper you hold in your hands, STÚDENTABLAÐIÐ, which is published by and for students at the University of Iceland. More exactly, S'l'ÚDENl'ABLAÐIÐ is put out by the University Student Council (Stúdentaráð Háskóla íslands, abbreviated SHÍ); it appears at least seven times each year. All registered students receive the paper automically. University Student Council The University Student Council (SHÍ), which was established in 1920, is a body which represents the interests of university students in Iceland, foreign students included. It consists of 30 elected student members, four of whom also sit as representatives in the University Council (Háskólaráð). Student Council elections are held each spring, and all students formally registered in the University of Iceland are entitled to vote and to seek a place on the Council. tilflnnanlega tengsl við stúdenta í hinum ýmsu deildum. Fréttirnar í þessu blaði eiga þannig ekki að vera dæmigerðar fyrir það sem verður, - miklu meiri áhersla verður lögð á fréttir úr háskólanum sjálfum. Flelri loforð? - Já, alveg endilega. Stúdentablaðið verður áfram vettvangur umræðna og jafnvel deilna. Ég mun setja umræðugreinar á sérstakan stað í blaðinu og gefa þeim sameiginlegt heiti - “Skoðanir’. Ég set líka þær SHÍ provides certain special services for university students, such as an information service through which students can investigate their rights and possibilities in various matters. SHÍ is located on the upper floor of the Student Unioin Building. University's Student Advisor Also available for information and assistance is the University's Student Advisor (námsráðgjafi), Ásta K. Ragnarsdóttir. Her offlce is located in the University Main Building and is open Mon.-Fri. from 9 to 4. Please telephone 694300 and make an appointment before you arrive The Student Advisor can provide information about the organization of the various programs of study within the university, and is available to help students who are having difíiculties, however closely or remotely these difficulties may be related to their studies. Introduction Evenings In the next weeks SHÍ and the Student Advisor will be sponsoring an introduction evening for foreign students, in order to help to familiarize them with the workings of the Student Council and of the University of Iceland in general. Foreign students will also be offered an Introduction to key features of Icelandic culture and society, past and present. These events will be advertised in the entrance hall reglur um lengd aðsendra greina, að þær séu aldrei lengri en 1 1/2 vélrituð síða. Loks hef ég ákveöið að veita mér og lesendum blaðsins þann nauðsynlega andlega munað að vera með eins og eina opnu í hverju blaöi sem beri yflrskríftlna “Listræna* með teikningum, ljóðum, örstuttum prósa og þess háttar. Fjármálastjórn blaðsins hefur meira að segja geflð mér leyfi til að greiða eitthvað smávegis fyrir svoleiðis efnl. Svo að nú er bara að setja sig í stellingar og hafa svo samband við mig! - GSæm. of the Student Union and elsewhere ; those who are interested should keep an eye for the notices. Icelandic Contact People In this paper, and elsewhere, SHÍ and the Student Advlsor are advertising for Icelandic contact people: Icelanders who are interested in meeting and assisting foreign students on an individual basis (particularly in the beginning when help is most needed). Any foreign student who would like to have such an Icelandic contact is encouraged to get in touch with the Student Advisor or with the offlces of SHÍ. One possibility for contact is the various clubs of Icelandic students studying foreign languages. There you could get in touch with people learning your own language, and perhaps assist them. If you are interested, please contact the Student Advisor. Morning Prayers Another thing you ought to know about is the moming prayers every monday to friday at lOam, in the University Chapel (Main Building, first floor). This is organized by students in theology and everybody is welcome. Other things One good way to find out more about Reykjavík is to take a guided bus tour around town. Your guide will show you the main districts (especially the city center), point out the principal sights, and introduce you to the town's most important bulldings. The Universlty is spnsoring such a tour speciflcally for new foreign students, to be held in the beginning of October. Please contact the Student Advisor if you are interested. News from Iceland is a monthfy newspaper published in English. Although it is not intended especially for students you are likefy to flnd It informative and useful. The same counts for the tourist magazine, What's on in Reykjavik. Both papers are available in the student bookstore, BÓKSALA STÚDENTA, which is located in the Student Union Buildlng. As you see, there are various sources of information and asslstance which are available to you as a newcomer to Iceland and its University, and which can help you to make your stay here a pleasant and rewarding one - don't hesitate to use them! Stúdentablaðið 15



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