

Muninn - 14.12.1988, Page 17

Muninn - 14.12.1988, Page 17
& \ Ti«>oue O'atuE -? ÞAC-C-q mé ue <6S -> /tLC-C-e- lgca Oteity TA ÁeuR Bvcce- Xfi -T FLÁ2(r .R 6 u -JOÍ WA F 24A1' Fótl DöPliE-? lEVt- 5LU-M f v \ » —> A HGcuTU VATA/r-’ «Erruw V/ ? Ettt -> VAí.0- AwO X Ciclc i rJOt. ^T- V SfeftHl. LituR Chf fcKÍ -7 AA-VA W As AAV 1Aft- * / P \/ fcÓPi -> Ouft.T > \/ - WOTi-6 -?5Ji- AlOuB. iMPSft 7 V ÍJf' sl / Hi/IlO- TST V U A/V F0Kí%TM. t urp C-EUW« ~?CkAS V / ? LC /VOTA 'ar-a b- OfivA ->SIUt<>IA 1 -»AF i 7 Soo flUMjJ- 6x x. ímmO T&Í.T Lí ^ ' Dy ÆA TÖA/f^ -'V/rjóO. GFuia Foesic.J> 5W12 filtu, VACJ UtPLElQ- *> 7 t / UÞPtí4F!r StaPkR S<öftu \ -7 ' ERft 5R.c5DTfi 4. aaXOL*.- UfcUARA CgeA/A?fii 4/ v \í AAAC' 1- CrLöD Eí-i-l Ol í- lOI -> —v— ÁRA- L «Ö1 A- ÚftV K kl WU þV-S-?* / EíP ÍAmtö'l r lr Evm UtiAO 5aPICi/S TÓAJLISl- AR.STCF- VA j? T r\0 4 2 £I,VS Yt\£rSV UMí -> Hi-a6P / 7 30Í) A/^C QAA-> *aA a>o6* \A & tr —v— ? L? 1 Þessi krossgáta er kominn úr smiðju Torfa Jóhannessonar, og kunnum við honum þakkir fyrir. Muninn 17



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