

Ægir - 01.04.1977, Blaðsíða 31

Ægir - 01.04.1977, Blaðsíða 31
 '^SSH? KRAFTBLAKKIR ABAS 2. ABAS Seine Net Winch gives you full control on the haul. Tilting the drum one way gives faster pull on the lead line. 3. Tilting the drum the other way gives faster pull on the cork line. Always every possibility for adjustments. leadline corkline 4. An unique ABAS feature: «Drying up« the catch by hanging the cork and lead lines outside the drum, and pulling on the net only. Type of net winch Size of vessel Depth of the net* GD16 100' - 250 1 10 fathoms GB 15 80' - 180 100 GB 12 80-130 90 GB 3 60' - 100 50 * The depths listed are maximum depths and depend on the thickness ol the thread and the size ot the meshes TYPE PULLlNG POWcR MEAROtAM MAX HAULING Sf€E0 P0WER C0NSUMPT MAX.0IL PRESSlWE GB 3 2000 KP 30 m/miN 25 HK 90 Kf/CM GB12 4000 " X • 60 * 100 1 GB15 5000 '1 X « 65 • 100 • GD16 6000 “ 40 • 100 • 180 • ÚTGERÐARMENN Stöðugt fjölgar þeim bátum sem nota ABAS Við höfum allar tæknilegar upplýsingar LEITIÐ TILBOÐA 1ar 27140 —15401



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