Ægir - 01.07.1981, Síða 32
14. mynd W.H. Athuganir fyrir Suðausturlandi. Hér á eftir
verða sýnda niðurstöður frá athugunarstöðum 7-19.
International (ICES) „Overflow“ Expedition,
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15. mynd W.H. TS-línurit á st. 7-19. Hér eru margar sjógerðir,
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English summary:
The sea and fishing grounds around Iceland
III Water masses between Iceland and the Faroe Islands
This paper (1,2) deals with water masses in the area between
Iceland and the Faroe Islands (Table 1). The paper is based on a
work done by Thomas J. Múller et al. (5) on the distribution of
water masses during the Overflow’73 investigations on the
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