

Ægir - 01.08.1986, Page 64

Ægir - 01.08.1986, Page 64
508 -ÆGIR Fiskaflinn í maí 1986 og 1985 (Total Catch of Fish) Fisktegundir Fryst Frozen Saltað Salted Hert Dried f ... Innanl- aí consum ísafl Annað '986, ?" Other Sam‘als Ice afli 1986 Samtals aflaverðm. 1985 Samtals afli 1985 Samtals aflaverðm. Br. afli °7o Br. verðm % Þorskur Cod 9.078 7.591 1.763 i 67 2.767 10 21.277 458.361 21.809 328.679 -2 39 Ýsa Haddock 2.884 13 1 i 291 1.538 59 4.787 131.016 8.725 144.255 -45 -9 Ufsi Saithe 2.982 231 1 - * 329 1 3.544 39.370 6.516 48.867 -46 -19 Karfi Redfish 6.520 - - 7 11 721 7.260 104.539 8.868 95.546 -18 9 Langa Ling 189 163 1 1 1 149 502 8.418 561 5.819 -10 45 Blálanga Blue Ling 21 2 - - 3 14 40 1.172 102 1.287 -60 -9 Keila Tusk 18 17 * * * 29 64 1.101 131 1.411 -52 -22 Steinbítur Catfish 1.696 * 7 - 9 154 1.867 28.640 1.798 21.522 4 33 Lúða Halibut 82 - - - 29 29 140 8.734 174 6.897 -20 27 Grálúða Greenland Halibut 9.051 - - 11 1 1.392 10.455 175.905 9.003 86.471 16 103 Skarkoli Plaice 402 - - 2 5 656 1.065 19.893 1.333 20.674 -20 -4 Sild Herring - - - - - - - - - - - Loðna Capelin - - - - - - - - - - - Loðnuhrogn Capelin roe .... - - - - - - - - - - - Kolmunni Blue whiting - - - - - - - - - - - Humar Lobster 875 - - 1 - - 876 108.073 888 82.909 -1 30 Rækja Shrimp 1.752 - - 1 - - 197 1.951 91.309 2.262 65.551 -14 39 Hörpudiskur Scallop 63 - - - - - 63 1.195 24 381 158 213 Annar afli Miscellaneous .... 100 8 - 18 19 50 26 222 4.535 374 5.281 -41 -14 Samtals Total 35.715 8.025 1.773 42 436 7.828 293 54.112 1.182.262 62.570 915.549 -14 29 A L L I R VÉLBÁTAR ALLIR TOGARAR Fisktegundir Magn i i tonnum Verðmæti þús. kr. Magn í tonnum Verðmæti þús. kr. 1986 1985 1986 1985 1986 1985 1986 1985 Þorskur Cod 12.718 15.556 273.062 232.586 8.753 6.200 185.299 96.092 Ýsa Haddock 3.542 6.661 103.728 111.926 1.243 2.077 27.289 32.329 Ufsi Saithe 1.460 2.399 16.198 18.394 2.100 4.139 23.171 30.473 Karfi Redfish 440 416 6.208 4.374 6.743 8.300 98.331 91. 172 Langa Ling 406 430 7.069 4.371 97 131 1.349 1.448 Blálanga Blue Ling 2 1 34 14 55 100 1.137 1.273 Keila Tusk 58 123 983 1.293 7 8 117 118 Steinbítur Catfish 1.682 1.545 25.413 19.406 173 153 3.227 2.110 Lúða Halibut 71 107 4.791 3.896 70 69 3.943 3.000 Grálúða Greenland Halibut . 5 14 65 268 10.734 8.843 175.841 86.203 Skarkoli Plaice 1.009 1.251 19.074 19.836 63 82 819 838 Síld Herring - - - - - - - - Löðna Capelin - - - - - - - - Loðnuhrogn Capelin roe ... - - - - - - - - Kolmunni Blue whiting - - - - - - - - Humar Lobster 876 888 108.073 82.909 - - - - Rækja Shrimp 1.488 1.901 70.257 53.184 458 360 21.052 10.672 Hörpudiskur Scallop 63 24 1.195 381 - . . _ /kuuar aSX\ Miscellaneous . . 135 265 3.552 4.204 100 123 983 1.076 SaiVcW.aXs Total •n.9si M .SfcA 6S9.10S SSl .04S S0.S9S SO.SfcO S4T.SS9 SSfc.fcOS



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