Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1943, Qupperneq 166

Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1943, Qupperneq 166
142 TÍMARIT ÞJÓÐRÆKNISFÉLAGS ÍSLENDINGA Þá kom á þingið Árni G. lögmaður Eggertson, las hann upp kveðju og heillaósk til þingsins frá “The Icelandic Canadian Club” og lagði þar næst fram skýrslu þeirrar deildar. Var skýrslan á ensku. Annual Report of the Icelandic Canadian Club ■ The Icelandic Canadian Club has a membership of some 110 of which a goodly portion are serving in His Majesty’s Forces which accounts for the fact that our athletic and social activi- ties have been somewhat curtailed dur- ing the past year. However, we had our annual picnic which was held at City Park one Sunday afternoon last July and was enjoyed by a large turnout of our members. Much thanks is owing to our active committee headed by Mr. W. S. Jónasson. We have monthly meetings during the winter months commencing in October and continuing until May when activities cease for the summer months. We have had these meetings on the second Sunday evening of each month in the Antique Tea Rooms in the Ender- ton Building, and we invite you to join us at any time. There is always good entertainment and much business to transact. Although many of our members are not able to join in our activities we feel that much progress has been made dur- ing the past year of which the chief highlights are the publication of our quarterly magazine, “The Icelandic Can- adian” and the change of name in our organization from “Junior Icelandic League” to “Icelandic Canadian Club.” A change from adolescence to manhood. In the establishment and publication of “The Icelandic Canadian” we feel that a major step has been taken by our organiation, and its reception by the public has far exceeded our expecta- tions. We have been very fortunate in the composition of our Ecjitorial Board and business management, which are as foilows: 1. Editor-in-Chief, Laura Goodman Salverson 2. Associate Editor, Stefan Hansen 3. Associate Editor, Helen Sigurdson 4. Associate Editor, Judge W. J. Lindal 5. Associate Editor, J. G. Johannson 6. Circulation Manager, Hjálmur F. Danielson 7. Business Manager, Miss Grace Reykdal 8. War Effort Manager, G. Finnbogason 9. Social Correspondent, Mrs. H. J. Lindal In additon we have arranged for the services in an unofficial capacity of Dr. Richard Beck and Dr. S. J. Johannesson. If you have not had an opportunity of reading our magazine, I would point out that its policy consists of five points which are as follows: 1. To asist in making the things of value in our Icelandic heritage a liv- ing part of ourselves as Canadian citizens and thus improve the quality of our contribution to the distinctively Canadian pattern. 2. To provide an instrument bý which the children of the ever in- creasing mixed marriages may be reached, and through which we would seek to instil in them a better know- ledge and a keener appreeiation of our heritage. 3. To provide a means wherebý Canadians of Icelandic extraction, pure or mixed, can become better ac- quainted with each other and thus strengthen the common bond of the past which in itself will strengthen the common bond of the future in the larger Canadian scene. 4. To stimulate greater effort bý making known to our readers the con- tributions of Icelandic Canadians t° the highest and best types of citizen- ship. 5. To place before the people a^ Canada and particularly the other ethnic groups our interpretation 01 the position we should take as Can- adian citizens, and thus contribute to Canadian unity by helping to form a common basis of approach.
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Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga

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