

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1952, Blaðsíða 31

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1952, Blaðsíða 31
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 135 úr hér, sem svo víða annars staðar í læknisfræðinni, og hún sýnir greinilega að tonsillec- tomia veldur engum sjúkleg- um truflunum, heldur er til mikils gagns, þegar hún er framkvæmd af gildum ástæð- um.“ .... SUMMARY. Tlie diagnosis of the differ- ent kinds of acute tonsillitis such as tonsillitis ulcerosa and phlegmonosa besides the ordin- ary tonsillitis simplex is short- ly mentioned. The writer points out that recent investigations on numer- ous patients show that the most common sulfonamides do not influence named diseases, hut penisillin on the other hand yields considerable help, shor- tens the course of acute tons- illitis, reduces the number of complications and frequently cures tonsillitis phlegmonosa. It is warned against the use of penicillin-lozenges, for they may cause ulcerative stomatitis and severe pharyngitis. In cases of ordinary acute tonsillitis, antineuralgica and some gurglingwater (hvdrog- enperoxyde f. inst.) are usually sufficient. but penicillin is re- commended in severe cases on- ly, or in complications. Concerning chronic tonsillitis the writer stresses, that this diagnosis almost exclusively is hased on the anamnesis, i. e. frequent attacks of acute tons- illitis, and that the only effec- tive treatment is tonsillectomy. In connection with the con- traindications for this opera- tion, investigations into the possible relationship behveen a recent adenotomy or tonsill- ectomy and poliomyelitis, which seems to he vex-y doubt ful, are mentioned. At last the old and wide- spread helief in the harmfuln- ess of removing the tonsills completely is discussed and emphasized that extensive re- searcli has failed to prove that the tonsills liave any important function, therefore no harm is done hy the tonsillectomy, on the contrary great benefit, when the operation is perform- ed on a valid indication. Helztu heimildarrit. 1. Bennike, T. o. fl.: Om penicillin- behandling af akut tonsillitis. Ugeskr. f. læger, 39:1950, 1347. 2. Berdal, P.: Indikationer for ton- sillectomi. Tidskr. f. d. norske lægeforening, 21:1948. 3. Furstenberg, A. C.: Antibiotics in the treatment of diseases of tlie ear, nose and throat. Annals of otolar., 1:1949,4. 4. Hofer, G.: Hat die Entfernung der Tonsillen schadliche Folgen? Monatschr. f. Ohren und lar.- rhinol., 6:1947, 336 5. Larsen, Kaj.: Er sulfonamider indiceret ved tonsillitis akuta o. s. v. Ugeskr. f. læger, 107:1945, 179.



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