

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1971, Síða 43

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1971, Síða 43
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 13 results vvere satisfactory. Ninety per cent of the patients had resumed their previous work within 6 months of the operation. The average time in hospital was 19.6 days. The average time from the beginning of symp- toms until work had been resumed was in this series 4.3 months. The late results of this survey are that 61% of the patients are symp- tom free and 23% have mild symptoms. All of those are working full-time, while 7 are doing lighter work than before surgery. Five patients or 16% were improved by the primary operation, however only for a certain time. Three of those had subsequently a recurrence of symptoms and have not been able to resume their work. The other two were reoperated on be- cause of a recurrence of sciatic and low-back pain. Both of those improved after the second operation in spite of negative operative findings and are now working full-time. In the discussion these results are compared to the results of other authors. The indications for early surgical treatment of herniated lumbar discs are also briefly discussed. HEIMILDIR L Mixter, W. J. og Barr, J. S.: Rupture of the intervertebral disc with involvement of the spinal canal. N. England J. M. 211:210; 1934. 2. Friberg, S.: Low back and sciatic pain caused by intervertebral disc herniation. Anatomic and clinical investigation. Acta Chir. Scand., 85, Suppl. 64; 1941. 3. Gurdjian, E. S., Ostrowski, A. Z., Hardy, W. G. Lindner, D. W. and Thomas, L. M.: Results of operative treatment of protruded and ruptured lumbar discs. Based on 1176 operative cases with 82 per cent follow-up of 3 to 13 years. J. Neurosurgery 18:783-91; 1961. 4. Hirsch, C.: The clinical evaluation of sciatica. Acta Orthoped. Scand. 27:210; 1958. 5. Söderberg, L.: Prognosis in conservatively treated sciatica. Acta Orthoped. Scand. Suppl. 21; 1956. 6. O’Connell, J. E. A.: Protrusions of the lumbar intervertebral discs. A clinical review based on 500 cases treated by excision of the protrusion. J. Bone & Joint Surg. 33-B:8-30, February 1951. 7. Barr, J. S.: Ruptured intervertebral disc and sciatic pain. J. Bone & Joint Surg. 29:429; 1947. 8. Dahlgren, S.: Results of early operative treatment of sciatica. Acta Orthoped. Scand. 33:18-23; 1963. 9. Söderberg, L. og Sjöberg, S.: On operated herniated lumbar discs. Acta Orthoped. Scand. 31:146-51; 1961. 10. Lindgren, S.: Some problems concerning the herniated intervertebral disc from a clinical point of view. Acta Chir. Scand. 98:295; 1949. 11. Barr, J. S„ Kubik, Ch„ S„ Malloy, M. K„ McNeill, J. M„ Risen- borough, E. J. and White, J. C.: Evaluation of endresults in treatment of ruptured lumbar intervertebral discs with protrusion of nucleus pulp. Surg. Gyn. & Obstr. 125:250-256; 1967. 12. Waris, W.: Lumbal disc herniation. Clinical studies and late results of 374 cases of sciatica operated on the diagnosis or suspicion of
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