

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1971, Side 44

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1971, Side 44
14 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ lumbal disc herniation. Acta Chir. Scand. 97 (suppl. 140): 470-72; 1949. 13. Ytrehus, Ö.: Prognosis in medically treated sciatica. (A follow-np investigation of 256 patients). Acta Med. Scand. 128:452-72; 1947. 14. Boysen, G.: Sciatica, especially the prognosis by conservative treat- ment. Acta Med. Scand. 128:473-85; 1947. 15. Colonna, P. C. and Friedenberg, Z. B.: The disc syndrome. The results of the conservative care of patients with positive myelograms. J. Bone & Joint Surg. 31-A: 614-18; July 1949. 16. Barr, J. S.: Low-back and sciatic pain. Results of treatment. J. Bone & Joint Surg. 33-A: 633-649; 1951. 17. Knutsson, B. og Wiberg, G.: On surgically treated herniated inter- vertebral discs. Acta Orthoped. Scand. 28:108; 1959. GARÐS APDTEK er flutt að Sogavegi 108 (hornið á Sogavegi og Réttarholtsvegi) — SÍMI 34006 — Opið alla virka daga kl. 9—6, nema laugardaga kl. 9—12.



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