

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1971, Side 72

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1971, Side 72
A major advance in the control of bleeding No other hacmostat possesses independent clotting properties and dependable absorption. SURGICEL Gauze does not merely rely on the normal blood clotting mechanism; it adds a unique haemostatic action, effective even in the presence of haemophilia and other blood dyscrasiae. After haemostasis is achieved, SURGICEL Gauze can be left in situ for its absorbtion is reliable and complete. •TRADEMARK © ETHICON Ud. 1971 ETH ICON , LTD. BANKHEAD AVENUE, EDINBURGH, EHU 4HE EINKAUMBOÐ: Heildverzlunin AUSTURBAKKI H.F. Suðurveri við Stigahlíð. Símar 38944-30107



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