

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1976, Side 23

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1976, Side 23
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 179 arkrokur, where 42.3% of the population are living. It has a 40-bed hospital, equipped with an operating theatre, X-ray equipment and a laboratory with a laboratory technician. There are 3 doctors in the district, one of whom is a surgeon. The doctors do general practice jointly with hospital work. The results show that doctor patient con- tacts per year are 4.4. The standardised num- ber of contacts per age group of the population is shown on mynd 4. The WHO-ICD code was used to record diagnoses. The most frequent diagnosis was diseases of the respiratory sys- tem (22.1%) followed by diseases of bones, muscles and connective tissue (10.1%). There was a statistically significant association be- tween place of residence and utilisation, those living closest to the hospital making most use of the services. The referral rate was very low, 0.6% of all contacts. The results are compared with two previous studies in general practice in Iceland and with studies abroad. The pro- blems of relating and measuring need and demand are discussed with special reference to the uses of health consumption studies for planning and management. HEIMILDIR 1. A study of general practitioners’ work load in South-Wales 1965-1966. J. of Royal Coll. of G. P.’s 1970. 2. Árnason, Guðmundur: Lyfjakort. Lœkna- neminn, 23, 3 1970. 3. Blöndal, Lárus H., Jónsson, Vilmundur: Læknar á íslandi, 2. bindi, s. 72 (ísafold) 1970. 4. General Household Survey 1971. H.M.S.O. 1973. 5. General Household Survey 1972. H.M.S.O. 1975. 6. Lög um heilbrigðisþjónustu nr. 56 16. apríl 1973. 7. Magnússon, Guðjón: Hvar kreppir skórinn að? LæknablaÖiÖ, 59, 108. 1973. 8. Magnusson, M. S.: Öppen várd i Linköp- ingen strukturstudie. Lákartidningen, 71, 21. 1974. 9. Sveinsson, Friðrik, Sigfússon, Baldur Fr.: Álit og greinargerð Læknamiðstöðvarnefnd- ar L.I. LæknablaÖiÖ, 58, 119-150. 1972. 10. Valdimarsson, Helgi og fleiri: Læknisstörf i héraði. Læknablaðiö 55, 15-35. 1969. 11. Önundarson, Björn: Drög að könnun á störfum heimilislækna í Reykjavík. Lækna- blaöiö 61. 1974.



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