

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1981, Blaðsíða 4

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1981, Blaðsíða 4
188 LÆKNABLADID Nýr doktor í læknisfræði — Porsteinn Svörfuður Stefánsson Hinn 30. apríl 1981 varði Þorsteinn Svörfuður Stefánsson doktorsritgerð við Medicinska Fa- kulteten, Göteborgs Universitet. Ritgerðin nefnist Anesthesia and Surgery in the Geria- tric Patient. A hemodynamic and metabolic study in the female with hip fracture. Útdrátt- ur úr ritgerðinni fer hér á eftir: The number of patients requiring anesthesia and surgery for hip fracture has steadily increased due to an increase in the geriatric population. Hip fracture is more common in females, who also have a longer life expectan- cy than males. In the present study anesthetic risk factors and optimal anesthetic management of the female geriatric patient with hip fracture was evaluated. The preanesthetic evaluation inclu- ded 204 patients (mean age 81.0, range 70-100 years). The per-and postanesthetic study of hemodynamic (pressures, and resistances in systemic and pulmonary vasculature, cardiac output, stroke volume, left and right ventricu- lar work), respiratory (alveolo-arterial 02 difference, blood gases, pulmonary venous admixture) and metabolic (oxygen consumpti- on, blood and skeletal muscle levels of glyco- genolytic metabolites and muscle levels of high energy phosphagens) responses to keta- mine, halothane or enflurane anesthesia or neurolept or epidural analgesia, was perfor- med on 40 randomly selected patients. Post- operative mortality rate was studied in 169 patients for 4 years and compared to that of a control group of patients. Preoperative evaluation revealed a high prevalence of pathological findings (92 %), dominated by cardiovascular disturbances (78 %) and senile dementia (37 %). The majo- rity of patients (87 %) were receiving drug therapy. Electrolyte disturbances, anemia and hypoxia were common. The hemodynamic study showed increased systemic vascular resistance and low systolic blood pressure. The calculated myocardial work for both ventricles was low due to stroke voiume and cardiac output. Metabolic evaluation showed that these elderly females had lower levels of glycogenolytic metabolites and high energy phosphagens in their skeletal muscle than young females. During anesthesia and surgery ketamine increased cardiac work, cardiac output, oxyen consumption and blood and tissue glucose levels. Halothane and enflurane anesthesia resulted in myocardial depression, associated with a decrease in oxygen consumption whe- reas systemic vascular resistance did not change. Increased substrate mobilization was seen, reaching the highest levels in the early postanesthetic period. During neurolept and epidural analgesia cardiovascular parameters, remained mainly unchanged. However, in the neurolept group postoperative respirtory de- pression was seen together with signs of increased sympathetic activity. Thus oxygen consumption and cardiac output were increa-
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