Læknablaðið - 15.10.1981, Page 5
sed as was substrate mobilization. The meta-
bolic changes during and after epidural anal-
gesia were small.
Overall mortality was low, reaching 6.5 %
after 1 month and 17.8 % after 6 months. The
major determinant of early mortality was the
patient’s preoperative medical condition whe-
reas late mortality was mainly influenced by
type of fracture and age.
Although epidural analgesia seemed most
favourable producing only small hemodyna-
mic, respiratory and metabolic changes, no
differences in mortality related to the type of
anesthesia chosen could be demonstrated.
Ætlunin er að öðru hvoru birtist í Læknablað-
inu umsagnir um bækur og ritgerðir, einnig
fréttir um hvað fáanlegt er hérlendis af læknis-
fræðibókum. Bóksala stúdenta birtir hér lista
yfir nýjar bækur, sem tekinn var saman í júlí:
Ný útgáfa af Current Surgical Diagnosis and Treat-
ment. útg. Lange Medical Publications 1981, kr.
Ný útgáfa (sú þrettánda) af Davidson’s Principles
and Practice of Medicine. ed. John Macleod, útg.
Churchill-Livingstone 1981, kr. 264,50. Á bókarkápu
segir að aldrei hafi bókinni verið breytt eins mikið
og í þessari útgáfu, margir kaflar algjörlega endur-
skrifaðir og nýjum bætt við.
Ný útgáfa (sjötta) af Guyton: Testbook of Medical
Physiology. útg. Saunders 1981, kr. 448,50.
Muir’s Textbook of Pathology ed. J. R. Anderson, 11.
útgáfa, útg. Edward Arnold 1980, kr. 454,30. Leysir
af hólmi Basic Pathology eftur Robins, sem notuð
hefur verið sem aðalkennslubók í líffærameinafræði
fyrir læknastúdenta.
Drug Treatment, Principles and Practice of Clinical
Pharmacology and Therapeutics, ed. Graeme S.
Avery, 2. útgáfa 1980. útg. Adis, kr. 529,00. á
bókarkápu: »The definitive working reference that
combines in one volume, the choice, use and effects
of drugs within a disease orientated context, is now
available in a completely updated and expanded
second edition. It makes available logical advice on
management of almost any situation a doctor may
Norska lyfjaskráin Felleskatalog 1981. kr. 125,00.
Sænska lyfjaskráin FASS 1981, Farmaceutiska spe-
cialiteter í Sverige, kr. 218,80.
Ný bók frá Springer Verlag 1 seríunni Disaster
Medicine, Cold and Frost Injuríes e. H. Kilian,
undirtitill er Rewarming Damages Biological, Angi-
ological and Clinical Aspects. Kr. 305,50.
Ný bók í seríunni Medical Physics Handbooks frá
Adam Hilger, Radiotherapy Treatment Planning.
Kr. 297,90 (bæklingur fylgir).
The Histology of Borderline Cancer e. W. Wallace
Park, Springer Verlag 1980, kr. 587,50. 314 illustrati-
Emergency-Room Care, 4. útg. ed. Charles Eckert,
Little, Brown & Co. 1981, kr. 190,90.
Guide to Orthopaedics I. Trauma e. K.L.G. Mills
útg. Churchill-Livingstone 1981, kr. 230,00. »A col-
lection of facts and references in a compact
accessible form. A presentation of all the available
information on trauma to all parts of the body. Lists
symptoms, signs, radiographic changes, treatment
and references for each type of injury.«
The Pathology of the Heart. 2. útg., e. E.G.J. Olsen,
útg. Macmillan 1980. Kr. 707,00.
Functional Ultrastructure of the Kidney, ed. A.B.
Maunsbach o.fl., Academic Press 1980. Kr. 883,50.
Þessi bók er »based on the proceedings of an
International Symposium held in Árhus, Denmark.«
Samsafn greina eftir marga höfunda.
Conception in the Human Female e. Robert G.
Edwards, útg. Academic press 1980. Kr. 1.071,80.
Spatial Diffusion, An historical Geography of Epi-
demics in an Island Community e. A.D. Cliff o.fl. Útg.
Cambridge University Press 1981. Kr. 448,50. Pessi
bók byggir að mestu leyti á rannsóknum gerðum hér
á landi.