Læknablaðið - 15.10.1981, Síða 50
Fig. 4. A strip from an ambulatory electrocardiographic recording from an asymptomatic patient. A short
burst of ventricular tachycardia (3 sec.) is shown.
Grade of arrythmi (Ryan)
4B' • •X
4A- ★ • X
3' ★
2- • •
I ■ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ • •••XX
0- ★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★ ★ ★★★ • •
Control Relatives -lypertr.
*: As in fig. 1.
Fig. 5. Relation between the number of ventricular
premature beats in 24 hours and the grade of
arrythmia in the control group, relatives without
HCandpatients with HC.
bættar horfur og færri skyndidauðsföll, ef
viðeigandi meðferð er beitt (13). Full ástæða
er til að leita að sjúkdómum meðal ættingja
þeirra, sem hafa CH, með hljóðbylgjurann-
sókn og gera síðan Holterskráningu hjá þeim,
sem hafa óskýrða þykknun á sleglaskift.
Lítill vafi er á því, að enn hefur ekki tekist
að sjúkdómsgreina marga íslendinga með
cardiomyoþathiu hypertroþhicae.
Höfundar vilja pakka Brynhildi Þorkelsdóttur og Gerði
Helgadóttur fyrir vélritun og Sigríði Helgadóttur fyrir
The study was designed to assess by 24-hour Holter
monitoring the prevalence of arrhythmias in a
group of patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopa-
thy (HCM), defined by an echocardiographic de-
monstration of inordinate interventricular septal
thickening (>1.3 cm), their relatives and a normal
group. Fifty nine close relatives of eight patients
(out of a total of 11 patients who came to autopsy
with HCM in 1966-77) were studied. Twenty five of
them had HCM. Twenty normal subjects served as a
control group. Seven patients had >50 supraventri-
cular premature beats per day, but only one subject
in the group of relatives and the control group.
Eight patients with HCM had supraventricular
tachyarrhythmias. Thhree patients with HCM had
runs of ventricular tachycardia but none in the two
other groups. Two patients with HCM had coupled
ventricular ectopic beats, one in the control group.
Twelve patients with HCM had more than 10
ventricular ectopics per day as compared with four
in the control group and two in the group of
relatives. Subjects with unexplained interventricular
septal thickening should be investigated by Holter
ambulatory monitoring.
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